Page 83 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I kissed the tears away and then proceeded to make long, sweet love to her, and when I finally slid deep inside of her, going to the hilt, and then settling, I whispered, “Home.”

She whispered right back, “Always and forever.”

Chapter 19


“So, you’re not going to believe this shit,” Daemon said with laughter lacing every word as he read something on his phone.

“What’s that?” I asked him as I squeezed my hand with his.

“Marcus wants us to have the doctor put the gender of the baby in an envelope and then give it to him. Apparently, his momma told him that it would be cute if we could have a gender reveal party. Well, you know Marcus.”

I laughed. “What do you think?”

“I want whatever you want. This is a first for me. And you didn’t have all of this with Crew and that pisses me the fuck off. But I want you to have everything you want.”

“Well then, let’s do it.”

So, that’s what we did.

Marcus smiled wide, showing his pearly whites as he took the envelope from my hand.

And one week later, someone dropped Marcus off outside my apartment.

Thirty minutes later we were inside the back of the truck, each of us wearing blindfolds.

Daemon sitting behind Marcus, Crew in the middle, and me on the other side.

I lost count of the turns we made about five turns ago.

And on the way to the destination, I knew that Daemon had told Marcus all about our first date.

But really… I knew that Marcus had demanded to know how it went.

And the bond they had, I knew he told him.

Because the song that played on repeat on the way to wherever we were going was the song we danced to.

When Marcus put the truck in park, and killed the ignition, I heard, “Culpepper is going to be helping you out Daemon, then he’s leading you to Aliyah’s side because I know better than letting anyone else help her out, then I’ll get Crew out. Okay?”

We all three said, “Yes.”

Once we were out, Marcus said, “Okay, on the count of three, I want y’all to take the blindfolds off. One. Two. Three.”

Then we removed the blindfolds, and Marcus was smiling, then he said, “You turn around and look behind y’all in a minute, first, you three need these for admittance.”

And that was when he handed the three of us freaking admission tickets.

One side of the ticket was blue, and the other was pink.

At the top, in a green background, it said in white ADMIT ONE.

Below that was a football, with pink pom poms behind it.

And below that it read Footballs or Pom Poms. And it had today’s date below it.

Once I took it in, looked at Daemon, we both smiled wide.
