Page 78 of Perfectly Imperfect

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He dropped his forehead to mine as the other team's emergency team ran out onto the field.

I looked up into his eyes and knew that my next statement would ensure that he would remain calm.

“Crew and I need you. Our baby needs you,” I told him as I let him see the truth in my eyes.

That was when his face transformed for everyone in the world to see. The murder was gone from his eyes, and in its place was shock. And fucking joy.

Then his eyes widened.

Then he ignored everyone, dropped to his knees and placed his hands on my belly. He looked up at me with wonder in his eyes, “Really?”

I nodded, “Yeah. Remember when that condom broke a month ago, and we thought we were safe?”

He shook his head, “Fucking condom.”

Then he leaned his head and pressed it against my belly and murmured the sweetest words there, “Daddy loves you so much, my little wonder ball. You’re going to come out into a world that is fucked up. But I will promise you this, and when you take your first breath, that I will die before I ever let the ugliness touch you. Daddy loves you.”

Then he was up and pressing his lips to mine, and I kissed him back.

I had missed him these past few days.

It wasn’t until he pulled away that he let me see the sincerity in his eyes as he whispered, “I’m so fucking sorry.”

I nodded up at him and whispered, “I know. Crew doesn’t know yet. I didn’t want to tell him until I told you.”

Hand in hand, we walked to the sidelines and then Daemon said, “Sorry, Coach.”

The coach simply nodded and said, “He said something about Crew?”

At Daemon’s nod, I felt something in my body uncurl, “What did that bastard say?”

“It’s not worth repeating,” Daemon said as he gave me a look to drop it.

But I was a Mama first and foremost, this was a shitty card to use, but for my boy, I would use anything in my arsenal, “If you love me and our little family, you’ll tell me what that bastard said.”

Daemon sighed then and said, “At first, I kept a lock on my temper. He’s been running his mouth all first half of the game about you. Then when I just posted up and got ready, he asked me if I ever snuck into Crew’s room and thought about experimenting on him. When I didn’t make a move, I locked it down, even though it was hard as fuck to do. That was when he said that since I didn’t want to do it, then he would.”

I looked at Marcus, who had widened his eyes when I said our little family, then he looked down at my belly, and I simply nodded.

But it was the look in my eyes that he easily read.

Without a word, he moved beside Daemon and started talking to him. Once Marcus had his attention, I spun on my heel and started walking across the field to the other team’s sideline.

And ignored anyone and everyone.

My eyes were directed at number eighty-nine.

And once I made it to him, I brought my hand back and slapped him across his cheek as hard as I could. Ignoring the towel that was pressed to the side of his face.

His head whipped to the side, and then I saw fire in his eyes as he jerked his head to look at me. I pointed at him and snarled, whispering, “You’re lucky.”

He didn’t say anything, but I could tell he wanted to hit me, but I was too mad to give a damn.

I snarled, “Because I saved your life earlier. But now, I’m half a mind to call my man over here and finish the job.”

That was when a man in a white polo shirt, a big belly, and a headset on his head said, “Look, little lady, don’t know who you are, but you’re interrupting my players, best you move on.”

I glared at him, “Oh really? So, you don’t care why some random woman would walk across the field to smack one of your players?”
