Page 77 of Perfectly Imperfect

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But. Fuck. That.

I launched my body atop his and started hammering my fists into his face.

What I didn’t realize was that the offense had all been disgusted with him and hadn’t made a move to help him.

However, the rest of the team raced onto the field.

And my line, well, they damn sure didn’t let them get through to me.


“Matthew!” I yelled out.

Luckily, Matthew ripped his head over to where I was standing and then I jerked my head for him to get over me.

I looked over at Melanie and before I could ask her to keep Crew, she nodded, “We got him. Go!”

The moment he made it to me, I said, “Help me down.”

I didn’t know why, but I knew if I didn’t stop Daemon, he was going to kill that player.

He wasn’t in the ring tonight.

He didn’t have the forethought to know when to stop.

And the coaching staff, which consisted of five of them, all fell to the ground when he shook them all loose and then returned to beating the life out of that player.

He didn’t hesitate to grab me when I maneuvered my body over the side railing and then carefully dropped me on my feet.

And then, I was racing across the field to get to my man.

“Marcus!” I yelled.

His head whipped around, his eyes landed on me, and I called out, “Get everyone the fuck back. Now.”

Then without a care in the world, I waded into the fray.

The players saw me coming and moved their bodies no matter whom they were fighting to ensure that I wouldn’t get hurt.

I stepped in between the man that was lying on the ground, just as Daemon, and brought his cleated foot up to stomp on the man’s face.

I stood up on my tiptoes and said softly, “Daemon, honey, look at me.”

When he didn’t reply, he just kept those murderous eyes on the man that was lying on the ground, not moving.

“Baby, please. Look at me.” I said, a little louder.

And only then, when his eyes landed on mine, did I place my hands on either side of his face.

And when he did, I could see the murder he wanted to commit deep inside his eyes.

“Keep your eyes locked with mine, okay?” I told him. Then whispered, “Breathe, honey. Breathe.”

I moved in closer against his body, plastering my front to his own and whispered, “In through your nose, out through your mouth. Fucking breathe.”

And when I felt his chest against mine let out a long breath, and then he did another and another, I felt the tension in my body ease.

“He’s not worth it, honey,” I told him.
