Page 79 of Perfectly Imperfect

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The man sighed, “Look, we deal with this shit all the time. Let me guess, he didn’t call you back? He fucked you one time, and he doesn’t want seconds and you’re pissed about that. Thought you were important to him. Thought you could tie yourself to him? Believe me, I’ve heard it all.”

I raised my brow, “Is that right?”

Then I felt my temper reach its boiling point, and I snapped, uncaring of anyone who heard me, “Well, allow me to inform you of another thing that I bet you haven’t heard. That piece of shit has been taunting my man all night. And yeah, I get it, it happens. It’s part of the game. But let me ask you something. Is taunting a man about his child a part of the game?”

The coach's irritation that had been written clearly on his face slid off.

“I’m guessing not. You see, my man, number fifty-three, told his coach during halftime that he wouldn’t react unless that piece of shit said anything about our son. And I bet even then he would’ve let it go until the game was over.”

“But what he said, it’s reprehensible and his background needs to be put into question. What grown man would ask someone that’s with a single mother of a little boy if he’s crept into that little boy’s room in the middle of the night and experimented? And when that man locked his shit down so he wouldn’t mess up the game, would further go on when that man didn’t reply and say that it was okay, that he wouldn’t mind experimenting with him?”

Everyone around us heard every word I said and everyone looked at the little bitch with fire in their eyes. Disgusted. Appalled. You name it, it was there.

Then I snapped at the coach, “Now, you tell me whether I had the right to backhand that little bitch and interrupt?”

I made my way back across the field, anger in every step. Daemon met me halfway and said, “Sweetheart? Want me to finish the job?”

I shook my head, “No. Because the five scouts sitting right there heard every word and I just watched them look disgusted, and then they all did something with their phones.”

I snickered, “Karma’s a bitch like that.”

Because of the turn of events, and the fact that we were up by like a lot, the big wigs got together, and the other team forfeited the game, declaring us the winner.

Daemon reached up and then grabbed Crew around his waist and helped him down, and only when he was tucked into his arms did he turn around, wrap his other arm around my shoulders, and then together we walked to the tunnel.

The entire team surrounded us.

Chapter 18


Waking up back where I belonged, well, I would be kicking myself if I fucked up with the woman that was lying in my arms with her head on her spot on my chest.

Today, we were going to see the doctor.

We were officially twelve weeks.

Thankfully, we had two weeks before the playoffs started.

Yes, we had told Crew that night that he was indeed getting a little brother or a little sister. Then we told Marcus, officially. Then we told my parents.

Needless to say, they were excited.

And the news about what had taken place that day at the game had made national news and memes of my woman backhanding that asshole were shared all over the globe.

Every single parent at our college and every person that was a parent thanked her for being the kind of parent she was.

When Aliyah started to move, I wrapped my arms around her even tighter and smiled.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” I whispered.

“Goo…” Then she had her hand over her mouth and was racing for the bathroom.

We were hoping this stuff was ending, but sadly, my woman wasn’t like that. She told me she had morning sickness with Crew until she hit her third trimester.

I got up, and followed her, wet a washcloth, moved the hair from the back of her neck, and placed it there.

Then I rubbed circles over her back.
