Page 76 of Perfectly Imperfect

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That was because one of the players on the offense had a big fucking mouth. And all throughout the first half of the game, he kept running it about Aliyah.

Marcus growled at my side, “Coach, that motherfucker has been taunting him all fucking night long.”

“I know. That’s something we have to deal with. You go out there and show him that nothing he says is going to phase you and then you hammer his bitch ass into the ground. Once the game is over, I’ll even turn my back while you punch his lights out. No one says anything about Aliyah.”

Coach had changed his tone immediately after I had driven to his home that night, and he made everyone a promise before the game that he would continue it for years to come.

That he would never let a game be the reason one of his players misses out on something that very few people ever get to experience. True love. Coach admitted he had seen it. And he really did feel like shit about it.

I looked at the coach then and said, “There’s only so much I can take. But… as long as he doesn’t say a word about Crew, I’ll not react.”

Coach nodded, and then after a pep talk, we all went back onto that field.

I locked eyes with my two reasons for breathing and then winked at Aliyah and pointed at Crew. Then I put my helmet on and hit the field.

I had just got in position when the fucker started it up again.

But he messed up.

He messed up so fucking hard. He just didn’t know it.

“Are you with that woman so you can have that kid? I mean, all those curls. Tell me, number fifty-three. Do you creep into his room at night and think about experimenting on him?”

My entire body froze.

A red haze started to form over my eyes.

And I heard the entire line on either side of me go deathly quiet.

I breathed in.

I breathed out.

I did it again.

And then again.

Fuck, but I tried to keep that lid on the other side of me.

I looked over at Marcus and saw the clenched jaw he was also sporting.

Then I nodded, letting him know I was keeping it locked.

He nodded back and then sent a glare to the pussy in front of me.

Had I not had my mouth guard in I was sure I would have cracked a fucking molar with how tight I had clenched my teeth.

“No. Well… guess when I beat your ass tonight, I’ll have to find out.”

And that boys and girls, well, that was all she wrote.

In two point five seconds, I had his chin strap knocked off, and his helmet off his face, and then I sent an uppercut with every bit of force I could muster.

The sight of his head rocking back, and that of his body falling backward.

I could have stopped with that, I really could have.
