Page 75 of Perfectly Imperfect

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That was when I saw the number on his chest, and then everyone watched as that player dropped to his knee right there in the middle of the field in front of the line.

His gaze was clearly on Crew and me.

I could feel every eye in the stadium on us.

Then that player brought the microphone to his mouth and said, “Sweetheart, I’m so fucking sorry. You’ve shown me over and over again how much I could trust you. How much I mean to you. I’m sorry for not trusting you. I’m sorry for ever thinking you could ever do something like that. I’ve already told the coach and the team, if you don’t forgive me, I’m not playing today. Because sweetheart, ever since I was nine years old, football has been my escape, along with getting in the ring. And the day I saw you sitting in Professor Macklin’s class with Crew in your lap, all of that changed. You became my escape. And then, when I finally got to meet Crew, the two of you became my world. Football doesn’t mean anything to me. Not anymore. The two of you do. So please. Please, sweetheart. Forgive me.” That was when I heard his voice break, on his last, “Please.”

Crew wrapped his hand around mine and asked, “What do you think, Mommy?”

I looked down at him and asked, “What do you think? It’s not just me, baby. We’re a package deal. If you don’t accept his apology, then I won’t either.”

I saw something working behind his eyes, and then he asked, “Where are our jerseys, Mommy?”

I smiled, then pulled my backpack in my lap, pulled his out, then handed it to him.

He put the jersey on, then without a word to me, he got up, walked to the railing, and then Matthew appeared with a microphone and handed it to Crew. Then, his little voice filled the stadium, “If you want me to forgive you, you have to read The Incredible Hulk for a month. You have to promise to bring Mommy flowers once a week because you told me that’s what men do. You have to bring her washcloths when she gets sick.”

“What if I promise to do all those things, but most importantly, promise to love the two of you for the rest of my days?”

Crew nodded, then said, “But be warned, if you ever hurt my mommy again, you’ll lose all respect from me. Are we clear?”

Tears were trailing down my cheeks at my boy.

Then I got up and walked to him, but not before I put my own jersey on.

Daemon saw it.

He saw everything and then he said, “Do you forgive me?”

I leaned down into the microphone Crew held, and then I nodded, “We do. But we both mean what Crew said. Don’t do it again. And Marcus?”

Marcus stood up and jerked his chin, his loud voice boomed out, “Yeah?”

I grinned, “Go punch Braydon one more time for me, please?”

Marcus grinned, then he did just that.

Braydon looked up at me, and called out, “Am I forgiven now?”

“We’ll see. Now, all of you, kick some ass. We have a game to win, and none of you better get hurt, I mean it. Daemon?”

“Yeah, sweetheart?” He called out with his voice raspy.

“I’ll have a kiss ready for you outside of the tunnel.”

He nodded up to me, and right there on national television, he blew me a kiss and then Crew one. And yes, we caught them and sent him back our own.

It wasn’t until we made it back to our seats that William, Melanie, and Lily sat down beside us and Melanie wrapped her arms around me and whispered, “Thank you for forgiving him. We called him the other day, and he felt horrible about what happened. Then William ripped him a new asshole. Then Lily throttled him with her words. We love the two of you, and if you hadn’t forgiven him, we were prepared to show up on your doorstep and kidnap the two of you.”

I grinned at her and smiled, then nodded.

Then we both cheered as Daemon sacked the QB, then pointed at Crew and saluted William.

Chapter 17


It was halftime and fuck, but I wanted something that I could pound my fist into.
