Page 73 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I looked over at my boy to see a sad expression on his face, “What do you need, Mommy?”

“Can you grab me a washcloth, wet it, squeeze it, and then bring it to me?” I asked him as I leaned my forehead onto the cold toilet seat.

He nodded, then pulled out his little stool, grabbed a washcloth, stepped up on the stool, wetted it, rung it out, and then brought it over to me.

It was an hour later when the smell of eggs he wanted for breakfast had me spinning and throwing up the orange juice I had just had.

And two hours after that I had dropped Crew off at daycare for a little while and was waiting in an exam room.

I had a feeling.

The smell of eggs, when I was pregnant with Crew, had been my first clue that I had gotten pregnant.

“But… how?” I asked.

The doctor looked at me like I was stupid, and I immediately knew I was getting another one, she had the bedside manner of a wet mop.

“Well, when you lay on your back with a man, and you let him come inside you, a baby is made,” she said to me as she rolled her eyes and jotted down a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

My nerves were shot from what happened last night, and my temper was raging, so I didn’t even try to be nice, “Or when some asshole rapes you and you have no choice which isn’t the case with this pregnancy. You heartless bitch. Besides, I was on birth control. I just got on it.”

That was when I found out that they were supposed to make me take a pregnancy test before they prescribed me the birth control which they didn’t.

And then I recalled the condom that broke, and Daemon had pulled out of me and finished on my belly.

Well shit…

I realized that the doctor's eyes had widened when I had said ‘which isn’t the case with this pregnancy’, I didn’t care if she was swamped and fitting me in.

She was a doctor. She went to school for that. She needed an attitude adjustment.

Thankfully for her, I had other people on my list that needed it first.

And one of those had been blowing my phone up all day yesterday and all morning.

He had also knocked on my door one too many times, and I had broken down and called Marcus.

Thankfully, he had come and gotten him.

That night, Crew and I cuddled in front of the television, and I could see my little boy wanted answers. He had heard everything, but my little boy, knowing his mama’s heart was fragile right now, simply kept his little hands wrapped around mine all throughout the night when we had fallen asleep.


I had Crew’s little hand in mine as we made a right and headed into the forecourt, and then Crew and I both stopped dead in our tracks.

Because lined up on either side, shoulder to shoulder, all the way to the daycare was the football team.

They were all looking at Crew and me, and then as we passed by them, one by one, they jerked their chin at us.

And once we reached the daycare, Braydon stood there beside Daemon, and the coach with Marcus at Daemon’s back.

The coach stepped forward and looked at me, and I could see regret in his eyes.

“I owe you the biggest apology in the world. I had no clue about the relationship you had with Daemon. It’s just that in the past, any time he’s gotten mad, he’s been explosive out on that field. And with it being the championship game, we needed that desperately. I had no right to say anything to him about you. I am truly sorry. Whatever you need, anytime, you just let me know.”

I absorbed his words and then I looked at Braydon and asked, “Why didn’t you tell him to go fuck himself?”

“I regretted not doing it as soon as I walked out of his office,” he told me with remorse shining in his eyes.
