Page 72 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Walking to the front door of our house, I was so pissed the fuck off that I didn’t hesitate to bring my boot up and slam it into the door.

Shocked gasps lit the room.

A chorus of what the fuck’s came at me as well.

But it was Braydon’s “Oh shit” that had my entire body feeling as though electricity was coursing through my veins. And not in the way that it felt when I touched Aliyah.

“You have to the count of three to explain what the fuck happened before I plow my fist through your face.”

And that was when he unloaded the private conversation he had with our coach.

With our fucking coach.

I spun on my heel after Marcus slammed his fist in Braydon’s face and walked out to my truck.

Then I opened the door with such force I was amazed that the fucking thing didn’t fall off its hinges.

Marcus jumped in beside me and then like that, we were off and headed to the coach's house.

Once we got to his drive, I slammed on the brakes and then didn’t even bother to shut the truck off, the fucker could run out of gas for all I cared as I vaulted out of it and stormed up to his door.

The moment he opened it, and saw who was standing there, his face paled. I jammed my finger in his chest and said, “If she doesn’t take me back and let me back in, I will ruin you. I might have grown up trailer trash, but you best believe I know a hell of a lot more about ending someone in all ways that matter.”

“And for the record, I was already going to give it my all, like I always do, but I was going to go out there like never before because Crew called me Daddy in his sleep the other night. All you fucking had to do was to come and talk to me.”

That was when the coach explained why he had done what he did, and I didn’t give a flying fuck. I turned on my heel and stomped towards my truck when he called out, “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

I stopped and then with fury in my every word I said, “You better talk to my woman and fucking apologize. And if she asks you to drop to your knees and kiss her fucking feet, you better fucking do it. If you don’t get her to forgive me before the game, I won't fucking play it. I don’t care if it hurts my chances of going pro or not. I wouldn’t want to go pro if I didn’t have her by my side and Crew up in the stands cheering me on.”

An hour later, I didn’t feel my knuckles splitting as I pounded my fists into the bag in the basement.

I didn’t feel the sweat dripping down my body.

Hell, I didn’t even notice that with my last blow, the bag had unhooked from the beam and had fallen to the floor.

Nor did I hear Braydon whisper, “Fuck. Me. I knew he was a powerhouse. But I had no fucking clue how much he holds back on the field. Or in the ring.”

Culpepper dropped his voice and said, “You better grovel to Aliyah, Braydon. You better grovel hard, or it won't be the bag he goes after.”

I also didn’t know that the conversation I had with the coach was recorded by Marcus.

As well as the events in the basement.

Chapter 16


It was the next morning when I woke up and vaulted to the bathroom, unloading everything in my stomach.



Fuck, but this hurt. So fucking much.

I felt a little hand on my back just then.
