Page 71 of Perfectly Imperfect

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When he didn’t say anything, I felt my heart drop from my chest.

“You don’t believe me,” I said as anger, fear, and disappointment rendered any other thoughts obsolete.

“Aliyah,” not sweetheart, “I’ve known Braydon for a lot of years, he’d never lie to me. And well…”

The well didn’t need explaining.

“And you’ve only known me for a short time.” I nodded. Then I said, “You're going to go home after this and regret not trusting me. You just ripped my heart out, as well as that little boy’s. And when you find out the truth, I hope it makes you sick.” Then I decided to say fuck it.

“Follow me,” I didn’t stay still. I spun on my foot and then headed to the living room and grabbed my laptop.

I didn’t care if he followed me or not. Yeah, that was a lie.

I was hurt. I felt betrayed.

He knew my past. He knew what was taken from me. He said he understood the amount of patience he would have to have with me.

I pulled up the banking site and when I felt the couch depress beside me, I showed it to him, “Do you know anything about this bank?”

He looked at the screen, I watched his eyes move over it, and then he looked at me, and nodded, “Yeah, it’s the number one bank for the wealthy in the world.”

I scoffed, I couldn’t help it, “Yeah.”

Then I typed in my login and password, and then did the two-step factorization. Which he watched.

And once my accounts were pulled up, and the balances were on the screen, I turned my head to him. “The first account is my checking account. The second is my savings account. The third is the amount for a house after I graduate. The fourth is for Crew’s college fund. Does it look like I need to tie myself to you in any fucking way?”

Because in each of those accounts a lot of zeros were behind those figures.

After I watched his face and saw the regret on it, I put my laptop down, got up, and walked to the front door, opened it, and stood by the side.

“Get the fuck out. We’re done. I gave you my heart, my trust, my understanding. Freely. I’ve only ever given that to two other people. Thanks for reminding me why.”

“Aliya…” I held up my palm.

“I could understand that you would believe him. I could understand his points. However, he doesn’t know my past. Not like you do. And for you to automatically not give me the benefit of the doubt… you didn’t even say, I was told something, need you to explain something to me. No, instead you came in here and said that you were told something,” I shook my head. “Get out.”

But before I closed the door on his stupid ass, I said, “And by some miracle that the birth control fails, don’t you fucking worry. I’ve got my babies. Been a single mama for four years. Got no fucking problem doing it for the rest of my life.”

Then I closed the door, softly, not wanting to wake Crew even though I wanted to slam the door so hard it made his spine tingle.

I pressed my forehead to the door, then I heard Crew’s soft voice, “So, do we need to have a bonfire party with his jersey?”

I spun on my heel, and then felt the first tear trail down my cheek, “How much did you hear?”

“All of it. How could he not believe you, Mommy?”

I didn’t know. And with my little boy’s eyes showing sadness, I dropped to my butt, leaned my back against the door, and opened my arms for him.

He immediately flung himself into my body, and we sat there for the longest time until he fell asleep in my arms.

I pressed a kiss on his soft curls and carried him to bed.

And only then, with my bedroom door closed and some music playing, did I finally let the tears fall into my pillow.

Then I cried even harder when the smell of his cologne drifted up through my nostrils from his side of the bed.

Chapter 15
