Page 70 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“He needs to be pissed the fuck off. The team we are going up against… they’ve demolished every team this year. I won't let that happen to us. He needs to be funneling all that negative energy I know lives inside of him that day. Besides, all he has to do is crook his finger and she will forgive him. I’ve seen the way she looks at him.”

I noticed he didn’t mention the way he looked at her and her son. Fuck. Me.

“But coach, he loves her. I really don’t think he’s going to fall for this, and if he does, and it works if he can’t get her back… it’ll fucking wreck him.”

“We need this win. We don’t… well… that’s just not a fucking option. You’ve got your orders. Get fucking to it.”

I should’ve told him to go fuck himself.

I really, really, fucking really should have told him to go fuck himself.

Chapter 14


After I had gotten out of the shower, and then given Crew his bath, I frowned.

He should have been back about thirty minutes ago.

Deciding that if he wasn’t back after I got Crew in bed, then I was calling him.

Just as I pressed a soft kiss on Crew’s head after I read him a bedtime story, there was a knock on the door.

Getting out from underneath him carefully, I closed his door and then headed to the door.

Looking through the peephole, I smiled and then frowned. Why did he knock? I had given him a key a month ago.

I flicked the deadbolt, opened the door, and then immediately felt the smile on my face drop from seeing his face.

I've seen him like this one other time and to be honest, it scared the absolute crap out of me.

Immediately, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

He stepped into the apartment, closed the door, then headed to the island and placed his forearms atop it.

I followed him slowly and then wrapped my arms around my stomach.

He had his eyes on me, and what I saw there, I almost took a step back.

Those emotions?

Anger. Sadness. Horror. Sorrow.

At those four emotions that were written clearly in his eyes, my voice was shaky when I asked again, “What is wrong?”

He sighed, then ran his hand through his hair, “Someone came to me and said they overheard you talking. Saying that the only reason you were with me was so you could hitch yourself to me when I go pro in a few months. And that you lied about getting on birth control. You wanted to be knocked up so you could get more money out of me.”

I felt my draw drop, then I stuttered, “What the… what? I… who the hell said I was having a conversation that I certainly never fucking had?”

He opened his mouth, “Braydon overheard you. I’ve known him just about as long as I’ve known Marcus. And I’ve only known you…”

He trailed off.

My temper flared, how dare someone say I said something that I never said. In fact, it was something that would’ve never fallen from my mouth. For that matter, it was a thought I never would’ve fucking had.

I placed my hands on the island and said, “Daemon, why the hell would I try to trap you with a past like mine, and even more so when I already have a perfect little boy? Besides, you may not even go pro. I hope you do because it’s your dream. And hell, I didn’t even know you played football until I saw your name and face on the jumbotron that first game.”

I waited for him to say something, but at every word that came from my mouth, I could see it… it was written clear as day, then I whispered, “You don’t believe me. Do you?”
