Page 69 of Perfectly Imperfect

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But not before I heard the girl say with a pout, “Damn, no fucking way I can compete with that.”

I simply smiled.

We were in the seats, on our feet, when the guys winked at me and then grinned at the song that came on. No. My man would never bow to no one.

And then, the guy raised his arm, dropped it, and I swear, had I not been here, I never would have believed that a man with that much force, that much power, could have ever held me with such gentle hands. Nor could he have held Crew with the softest and most protective touch.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a guy try to move in between the guys. I didn’t know what he wanted, but the way he was eyeing me up and down made my skin crawl.

Before I could inform Braydon, my man did it for me.

My head jerked to the ring to see him with his fingers in the cage and him looking right at the guy.

“You fucking touch her, and I will climb out of this cage and fucking show you why I’m called Rampage. Try it. I fucking dare you. Because this pussy behind me,” he laughed darkly, “sure as hell isn’t up to snuff, if you catch my drift.”

That was when Marcus barreled through the crowd in our direction.

I yelled at Marcus and said, “I’m fine, get back over there. He needs you.”

When he didn’t move, I shooed him, “He gets hurt because you're not there and I will not make you any more of those strawberry cheesecake coo…” I trailed off and then smiled when I didn’t even have to finish.

He headed back to his corner to support Daemon so fast that it made my head spin.

And then I watched as Daemon did something I later learned was a roundhouse kick to the man’s jaw and he dropped like a sack of fucking potatoes.

I hadn’t realized my jaw was hanging on the ground.

Not until Culpepper chuckled and then used one of his fingers to close my mouth.

Then I watched as Daemon climbed out of the ring, and got back slaps from everyone, as he stormed across the place, towards me.

And the moment he reached me, he placed his hands on either side of my face with such care I was in awe. And then… then he rocked my entire world, had he not already had my heart in the palm of his hand, he would’ve just captured it when he said, “There’s only one person I will bow to.”

I stared up into his eyes, “Yeah? Who’s that?”

“You.” And then he slammed his lips down on mine.

And yes, for the first time that night, I gave my first BJ and marveled at the power I held over the man that lay beneath me.

If the man above decided to take his vocal cords from me, I knew I would never need to hear the words that he loved me. Because he showed me with only his eyes.

The next day after we picked up Crew, we spent the day with the whole team at the amusement park, and on the rides that he was tall enough, one of the players rode with him, which was comical watching their big bodies try to fit into the seats.

And not one of them complained after they unbent their bodies from being pretzels from the seats. All the attendants had tried to talk them out of it, but none of them would hear it.

We had gotten home a few hours ago. Daemon had run to the football house to get him some clothes for tomorrow and his books so we could go to class the next day.

I was in the shower, but what I didn’t know as I lathered my body with my body wash was that something was about to happen, something that I never saw coming.


The moment I walked through the door, one of the players called out my name.

“Hey, man. There’s something I have to tell you. And you're not going to fucking like it.”

Seven Hours Before

“Coach…” I really didn’t want to fucking do this.
