Page 68 of Perfectly Imperfect

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The man’s jaw loosened, then he looked down at me, “Heard about you. Boy was bragging about your boy. Go give him a good luck kiss. He’s my fucking favorite to watch in the ring.”

I grinned up at him and nodded, then he stepped to the side, and I followed Davis down a long hallway.

As we got closer to a room with the door open, I heard Daemon growling at someone, “I’m taken. Quit trying to put your fucking hands on me.”

Then I heard, “Well, she’s not here. What she doesn’t know won't hurt her.”

Then I heard him snap, “No. She’s not here. But I fucking am. And I will be dead and have no fight left in me before I allow another woman’s hands on my body that aren’t hers.”

I couldn’t have fought my smile even if I wanted to and the pride that swelled all throughout my body at hearing his words. Damn. I’m a lucky fucking woman.

I stepped into the room then, my eyes immediately went to my man, who was looking at me with shock, and fucking happiness in those deep orbs of his. He asked, “Sweetheart?”

“Hey, honey,” I said nervously.

He pushed the woman’s hand away, stood up, and walked over to me. When he got to me, he asked, “What are you doing here?”

I smiled up at him, “I woke up last night, heard the conversation. You always support me in everything I do. How could I not do the same for you?”

His hard jaw softened immediately, and then his hands were up and then placed on the sides of my face, his fingers tangling in my hair, then he whispered, “I’m going to have every player here surround you so no one can fucking touch you. If that happens, I’ll end up killing someone.”

I smiled up at him, “I won't let that happen. I only want your touch.”

He narrowed his eyes, “You heard that. Didn’t you?”

So, I took in a deep breath, wanting to give him everything he’s given me, so I winked, “Yep. And after you take a shower, I’ll reward you for it.”

I teased him as I trailed my hands down his chest and then to the waistband of his shorts.

He knew what I was saying.

Oh yes. He knew.

His eyes widened.

Then he dropped his head and pressed a slow, sweet kiss on my lips.

And at my contented sigh, he pressed another kiss on my lips, then lifted his head, looked at the men at his back, and said, “Let's get a fucking move on. I’ve got a fight to win. A shower to take. And then alone time with my woman.”

I felt my cheeks pink, then I looked up at Marcus and saw him wink, “Don’t worry, Lil Mama, I already put the message out, and the guys are on their way to escort you to their section. Oh, and don’t worry. I don’t plan on sleeping on your couch again. You can get rather loud.”

He said that because he had spent the night last week on the couch. And had overheard a little bit more than he should have.

I smacked him on the arm, “A gentleman would never say such a thing.”

He smirked, “True. But then again, I ain’t never promised to be one.” Then he smiled, “Besides, I finally found a woman that is absolutely perfect. And now, I can look for Mrs. Right and have a standard they have to meet.”

I lifted a brow and asked, “Who?”

He winked, “You.”

“You may come off as hard and gruff, Marcus DuPointe. But there’s no one else other than Daemon that I would ever trust my boy with unconditionally.” Then I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

And the shock and awe were written clearly on Marcus’s face.

I grinned.

After I kissed Daemon one last time, I followed the guys to their section, and true to their word, I had two of them in front of me, one on each side of me, and two of them at my back.
