Page 67 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Please tell me, why would you want someone that didn’t have any kids? They don’t understand how it is. You need to date someone that already has a kid.”

I didn’t dignify his statement with a verbal response. I could spend the rest of my life wondering why I wanted to be with Daemon, and by the way, he saw Crew as his boy, anyway. He had proven that fact over and over.

I pretended to yawn, which had both men at my sides cackling with laughter.

Then one second, he was there, and then the next, he wasn’t.

And in its place was my snarling man.

“She’s already told you no, motherfucker. Move the fuck along before I carry out my promise. And this time, I won't just bust your nose. No, I’ll knock your goddamn teeth down your throat.”

Loki glared at Daemon, then looked at me and swept his hand towards Daemon, “This. This is what you want?”

I looked at my man, then swept my eyes from the top of his head, all the way down his body, then nodded, “Oh yeah. Especially when he hits that certain spot in me, and I just can’t help but be loud.”

Everyone around us started laughing.

“Is there a problem?” the professor asked.

“Nope. Just waiting for this ass clown to quit harassing my woman and go find a fucking seat. Preferably on another continent,” Daemon said, not caring in the slightest.

“Mr. Marks, please find a seat. This disruption is quite uncalled for.”

“Me? Why are you not getting onto him? He’s not even in this class.”

“Pussy,” Finch muttered under his breath.

“I’m not getting onto him for two reasons. One, the girl he is defending is a single mom and we need more men like Mr. Campbell in this world. And two, I’ve already warned you about that habit of yours of not taking no for an answer. Now either take a seat or get the hell out of my class.”

Daemon didn’t move until Loki… no… Mr. Pussy took a seat on the other side of the classroom.

Then he turned back, winked at me, pressed a kiss on my nose, and then headed out of the classroom.

“All right, class. Today we were going to be discussing…” whatever the professor was going to say was drowned out because I laughed quietly, when both Finch and Culpepper high-fived over my head.

After I had dropped Crew off at Melanie and William’s, I had headed home to get ready.

I wasn’t sure if this had been a good idea or not.

See, when I had woken up from hearing a weird sound late last night, I had overheard Daemon talking.

I took in a deep breath and hoped I was dressed okay.

Daemon supported me in every way imaginable. And I wanted him to know that I supported him in every way, as well.

So, I took in another deep breath and then opened the door.

And the moment I did, the smells assaulted me. Sweat. Cologne. Perfume. Smoke. Copper.

I checked the time on my watch. His match was coming up soon.

That was when I saw Davis, who stared at me with his jaw hanging open, then he closed it, shook his head, and said, “He’s going to lose his absolute shit. Come on. Let him get eyes on you before he gets in the ring.”

Davis took me through the crowd, using his big body to make a path, then we stopped in front of a large man, but not larger than Daemon or Marcus.

He had his arms crossed over his chest with a black t-shirt that read Security on it.

Davis nodded at the man and said, “This is Daemon’s woman, Aliyah.”
