Page 66 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Then he walked over to me, winked, then whispered, “Hey, Mama.”

“Hey, honey.” I winked up at him.

He looked over my head and glared at the man I now knew as Loki, then he said, “You’re standing way too fucking close to my woman. How about you move the fuck away from her before I do it for you.”

Thankfully, the man moved, which had Daemon’s body relaxing, then he turned to the group of little boys and crossed his arms over his chest as Marcus came walking up, sat Crew back over the fence, and then he, too, crossed his arms over his chest.

“Want to tell me which one called my boy a liar?”

They didn’t say anything as they all three looked at one another and then ran to another part of the playground.

I laughed, bent my head, and kissed Crew’s head, then I whispered, “That made your day, didn’t it?”

He nodded, “Yep. Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you too,” I told him and then watched as he spun around and then raced off to the other kids.

I kissed Daemon’s jaw and then watched him and the team run back to the practice field.

“Hello?” I answered my phone as I walked to my next class.

Melanie asked, “Hey sweetie, are you busy?”

“Negative. I’m just walking to my next class. Is everything okay?”

“Yes. It is. William and I were thinking we could take Crew out tonight. Last time he was here he was talking about the new dinosaur movie that was coming out. And it hit the box office today. We were wondering if we could take him to grab dinner and then go see the movie and keep him tonight?”

Over the past couple of weeks, they had watched him a few times while Daemon and I did little things. But this was the first time they wanted to keep him overnight.

“I think he will love that, but let me ask him and then let you know. If that’s okay?” And it would allow me to do what I really wanted to do tonight.

“That’s perfect honey. You are a good mom. A really good mom.”

I smiled, “Thanks. So are you, Melanie. I’ll call you as soon as I pick him up, but plan on him saying yes. He loves spending time with you guys.”

“We love having him. Okay, sweetie. Get to class and we will talk to you later.”

After we hung up, I headed to my next class and then made my way up to my seat that was between Culpepper and Finch.

After Daemon and I had become a couple, he had taken my schedule to the team and then worked out who I shared classes with and they all agreed to sit beside me. Ensuring that I was safe at all times.

I loved that he was protective. I loved it with every part of me.

I was even more thankful right this second, seeing as the guy from the playground, Loki, just walked in.

Then I groaned when his eyes searched for a seat.

“Hey, I was wondering if we could talk?” he asked.

Culpepper shook his head, “That’s a big negative.”

Loki puffed out his chest, “Can she not speak for herself?”

“They are just telling you what I would,” I told him.

That was when I saw Finch pull out his phone and do something with it.

I looked up at Loki and then moved my head to the side so I could see the board, hoping he would get the hint.
