Page 65 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I nodded at him, “I know. He amazes me every day.”

He nodded, “My name is Loki, and yes, I know, my mother has a thing for dark things and a love for Marvel.”

I nodded, “I get it.”

I wasn’t giving the man my name. The dude creeped me out.

Which he further proved as I turned my head to look back at Crew, I saw from my peripheral that he gave me a once-over and licked his lips.

Right. In. Front. Of. The. Kids.


The sound of my son’s voice called out just then, “Mommy?”

Since my eyes were already on him, I said, “Yes, booger butt?”

One of the boys snickered, “She calls you booger butt.”

My little boy looked at him and said without zero hesitation, and with a smile on his face, “Yep.”

Then he looked at me and asked, “Can you please show them a picture of me with Uncle Marcus and Dae? They don’t believe that I’m friends with them.”

I raised a brow, “Is that right? Tell you what, I’ll do you one better.” I winked at him then and pulled out my phone.

He told me to call him whenever I wanted. Yes, I had refrained from doing so while I walked here, but Crew was asking. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him.

So, I pulled my phone out and called him.

He must have been getting water, because he answered on the second ring, “Hey, baby.”

I winked at Crew. “Hey, honey. Got a favor?”

Instantly he said, “Name it.”

“Can you and Marcus come to the playground behind the daycare center?” I asked.

“Yes. But why? Do I need to come ready to bust some little asses, or do I finally get to beat the fucking face in of that dad that can’t keep his eyes inside his head?”

I knew the guy in question heard, seeing how close he was standing to me now, and I fought a giggle, “Well, some kids don’t believe Crew that he’s friends with y’all.”

“They’re calling my boy a liar?” He was silent for a few beats, and then he said, “Be right fucking there.”

I snickered, “Okay, honey, be careful.”

Then I looked at Crew, “Daemon and Marcus will be right here.”

“Umm, you really know them?” one of the little boys asked Crew.

“Yeah.” Then he looked at me, winked, freaking winked, and then said, rather loudly, “My mommy is Daemon’s woman.”

Exactly three minutes later, my jaw hit the ground. Literally.

The entire football team was running in this direction.

Crew laughed and then was up and running to him.

He went to Daemon first, who bent and scooped him up in his arms, hugged him, and then passed him off to Marcus.
