Page 62 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Her laughter filled up the room.

And then as she closed her eyes, she whispered, “If this man is taken from me tomorrow, I know that I’ll never want another.”


With my good luck charms sitting in the stands, the other team only had thirteen points on the board. While we had a whopping fifty-six points and were one step closer to going to the SEC Championship.

The moment I was dressed, I grabbed my bag and headed out of the locker room. Usually I was one of the last to leave, but not today, not when I had my two favorite people in the world out there waiting for me.

I ignored the gasps and the clapping.

I ignored people calling my name.

I ignored the women screaming that they wanted to have my babies.

Only one woman would ever be having my babies.

That was when my eyes locked on the two of them, and then I grinned and started to walk faster, but my front got lower and lower, and yeah, my little buddy knew what was up. He let go of Aliyah’s hand and then ran full out to me.

I had him up in my arms and swung him around while he giggled.

Then, I let out a contented sigh when he wrapped those little arms around my neck.

As I made my way to my person, the moment I got closer, she said, “So, I guess it’s not bad luck after all? Huh?”

I chuckled, then had my free hand in her hair, winked at her, and then pressed a kiss on her lips. A hard one, fuck, but I had missed her these last four hours.

After we pulled away, she looked around me and raised her brow.

I saw what she was seeing, then I leaned my head down and buried my face in her hair, where I mumbled, “Fucking assholes.”

“What?” she asked while giggling.

“Want to go get wings with the guys?” I asked her.

Then she shrugged, “Only if you do.”

That was how we found ourselves an hour later, eight tables pushed together so the entire defensive line could fit. And thankfully, a few people had gladly moved seats since we won our game.

The waitress had just sat down our orders, which consisted of at least one of every flavor and they had cups of ranch and blue cheese all around.

Crew had elected to sit beside Marcus, and Finch had taken the seat beside him.

Before Crew reached for one of his wings, Finch leaned over and asked, “Did you wash your hands yet?”

Since Aliyah or I always made him either wash his hands before we ate, or used hand sanitizer, he nodded, “Yes.”

Finch nodded back, and then reached in for a wing while saying, “Good. I don’t want your germs all over the place.”

Then, we all heard Crew ask, “Well, should I wear gloves too?”


Then, everyone, and I mean everyone that had a drink in their mouths, spit it out while laughing their asses off.

Marcus reached over and fist-bumped Crew.

“Excuse me?” Aliyah asked with her brow raised and that glare of hers that Crew had dubbed the mom glare.
