Page 63 of Perfectly Imperfect

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And then both Marcus and Crew froze, their smiles fell off their faces immediately.

Then, as if it was in slow motion, Aliyah slowly turned her head and glared at Marcus, knowing good and well he more than likely said something like that.

Marcus bunched his shoulders and said, “Sorry, Lil Mama.”

Crew copied Marcus, and then said, “Sorry, Mommy.”

“Uh-huh. Eat up, boys,” she said and then looked at me, winked at me, and then mouthed, “Mic drop.”

I grinned and then winked conspiratorially at Crew.

He grinned, but shoved it behind a wing.

That was when Culpepper asked, still sitting there, “Man, what do you do when she does that?”

I knew he was referring to the mom glare she gave Marcus.

I chuckled, “The same thing they did. That glare of hers scares the hell out of me.”

Chapter 13


That night, I had surprised Daemon that I had gotten on birth control a week ago and that it was effective.

Needless to say, when he slid his bare cock into my pussy, we both had seen stars.

And he said with gritted teeth at the feel of me wrapped around him that we were throwing every condom in existence away. Because there was no way in hell he could ever go back to wearing condoms.

I had readily agreed.

I had just rolled over in bed, my hands seeking out Daemon, and when I found the spot beside me empty, but slightly warm, I lifted my head to look at the clock and knew that Crew was up.

That was when I heard it.

It was coming from my kitchen.

I smiled, got up, and headed to the bathroom to do my morning business, and then I walked on silent feet down the hallway.

And what I saw, I couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Okay, and then we need to crack an egg.” Crew nodded, handed Daemon the egg, and then he cracked it.

Then I saw him shake his head as he ended up having to fish out pieces of shell from the bowl.

“Okay,” then he looked down at Crew, “looks all right.”

“What’s next?” Crew asked him.

“We need a little oil and water, then we need to mix.”

Once that was done, I heard Daemon say, “Okay, here goes nothing. It can’t be too hard to make pancakes. Right?”

Crew nodded, “Mommy makes it look easy.”

“Your mommy is a superhero,” Daemon told him after he poured a little too much batter into the pan for another one.

Crew gasped, “Is she really?”
