Page 61 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I felt it shoot from my spine, out of my cock, and into that god-forsaken condom.

But not once, not fucking once, did my eyes move from hers.

She looked up at me and whispered, “Beautiful.”

I felt my cheeks get pink.

To which my woman tossed her head back and laughed.

I brought my hand down and slightly smacked the side of her ass.

She only laughed harder.

After I kissed her lips, went to the bathroom, removed the condom, and brought a warm washcloth to the bedroom, I cleaned her up, tossed the washcloth in the laundry basket in the bathroom, pulled my boxers back on, and then laid down beside her.

While I had been doing all of that, she had gotten up, gotten my tee from the floor, and slid it over her head.

I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her into me.

Her arm went over my abs, her thigh over mine, and her head was pillowed on my chest.

I wasn’t sure how long we had made love, and there in the darkness of her room, I wanted, no, needed her to know just where I was at with her. And with Crew.

“I wanted to say something to you when you hip-checked me from trying to get Crew out of my truck.”

“Oh yeah? What was it? And why didn’t you just tell me?” she asked as she lifted her head from my chest, and my chest immediately missed the weight from her head.

It was official. That spot was definitely hers.

Fuck, who the hell am I kidding? Every place on my body was hers.

And it would remain hers for the rest of my life if I had any say in the matter.

“Remember when I said I would carry him anywhere?” I asked her.

I waited for her to remember the words, and thankfully, it didn’t take her long because that sweet soft smile hit her face, and she nodded.

“That thought was that I was built for the two of you. My body was made for y’all to snuggle into. My arms were made to carry him and shelter you from any storm.”

And as I got that last word out, I saw a tear slip free from the corner of her eye, and before I could brush it away, she had her lips on mine.

I pulled back and groaned, “I know you’re sore. Fuck me. Stop turning me on. Please. For my sanity?”

She had a mischievous glint in her eyes, “Wait? My kisses do that to you?”

“Sweetheart, the way you walk does that to me. The way you flip your hair to one side in class. The way you chew on your pen. The way you care for Crew. Any time you look at me with that soft smile on your face. The way… fuck, I need to stop.”

“I should be getting my period in a few days,” she randomly said.

“Okay,” I simply nodded.

Then when she asked, “Did that help?”

I lifted a brow, lifted up the covers, and shook my head, “Nope. He’s still raring to go for you.”

I saw her bite her bottom lip, then she looked at him, then up at me, and said softly, “When I get more confidence with you, I’ll try to take care of that with my mouth. But... just…”

“Shh. Sweetheart. Shh. Put your head back down on your spot, close your eyes, and get some sleep. You just let me know when you want to, and I’ll gladly either stand there or lay there and let you have your wicked way with me.”
