Page 58 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I gave my woman what she wanted and then pulled one dusky, perfect nipple in my mouth.

Once I had that nipple where I wanted it, I moved to the other nipple.

Then I could practically feel the heat that emanated from her on my crotch as she moved her pussy against it.

I grinned as I pulled back and then moved my mouth down over her perfect belly.

And I kissed every single stretch mark she had and after the last one, I whispered, “Fucking tiger marks.”

I glanced up at her face, and yeah, there was that soft smile on her face, and she repaired another fissure in my heart.

I unsnapped her shorts, then slowly pulled them down her legs.

After I had her shorts off, I stepped from the bed and took off my own shorts.

Her eyes were on the waistband of my boxers, and knowing I didn’t want to terrify her, knowing that I didn’t want to do anything that had her telling me no, I stilled and waited until her eyes were looking into mine, and then asked, “Are you sure?”

She nodded, and I whispered, “Need the words, sweetheart.”

Her rasp went straight to my cock. Again. “Yes, Daemon. I’m sure.”

So, I lowered the boxers down my thighs and then kicked out of them, and when her eyes widened as she saw the length and thickness of my cock, she did something I never would’ve expected, she licked her fucking lips.

I wanted to chuckle. Hell, fuck that, I wanted to throw my head back and laugh.

But… this wasn’t the time for it.

Instead, I smiled and then moved back up the bed, but while I did that, my lips and tongue moved along her left leg.

All the way up until I got to the fucking promised land.

That was covered by the cutest pair of panties I’d ever seen.

They were dark purple with black lace and I whispered, “Love the panties.”

She whispered back, “They’re my favorite.”

I grinned, “You buy more exactly like this, I’ll be a happy fucking man.”

She giggled.

“We’re doing a lot of first’s tonight, sweetheart,” I murmured against the inside of her thigh.

Her whispered breath of “What?” went straight to my rock-hard cock, blood still felt as though it was rushing to its head.

“I've never removed someone’s underwear with my teeth,” which is what I proceeded to do.

She giggled then, and asked, “Would it be wrong if I asked you to do that all the time?”

I shook my head, “As long as you don’t mind me using my fingers to make you come.”

She grinned then, “I don’t think I’ll mind. Not at…”

I figured the rest of that statement was broken off as I ran my tongue through her lips, and at the last minute, flicked my tongue over that sensitive bud.

Over and over, I worked my mouth.

Figuring out what my woman liked.
