Page 59 of Perfectly Imperfect

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When I figured it out, I inserted one finger into her tight sheath and groaned at how tight she was.

And no, I didn’t add another until I felt her body start to move, seeking out more.

That was when she said, “I know what you’re doing, and you don’t have to do that.” She moaned.

Against her clit, I asked, “What’s that, sweetheart?”

“You're waiting until I give you permission to do what you want to do. But Daemon. My heart is already yours. It’s only right if you claim my body. I want every piece of me claimed by you.”

Well, fuck.

Then, I moved a third finger into her. I was thick. I knew I needed to stretch her to get her ready to take me fully.

And as I added the third finger, my tongue flicked her clit over and over until I felt her gasp my name as her orgasm barreled out of her, soaking my fingers. I let her ride it out until her body went lax.

Then I pulled my fingers from her, and replaced it with my tongue, where I proceeded to get every last drop from her body.

Once that was done, and I had her body again starting to catch fire, I made sure she had my eyes so she could see what I was doing, and then I brought my fingers to my mouth and sucked each one off clean.

Her eyes were wide.

Her chest moving with the harsh breathing she was doing.

Judging by her eyes, I knew she liked that I did that.

I could see the need in her eyes.

Then I whispered, “Fucking delicious.”

Her cheeks got pink, and I winked at her, then moved my body until I could reach my wallet.

Once I had the condom on my dick, she asked, “What brand and size?”

I lifted a brow, “Why?”

“So I can stock up.” I grinned and told her.

I moved my body up hers, and then kissed her hard on her lips, and as her tongue moved inside my mouth, I knew she could taste herself on me.

I pulled back and then saw her grin.

My woman was dirty.

And I fucking liked that I was the first one, and if I had it my way, I would be the last one to ever fucking see it.

“Another first, sweetheart,” I whispered as I got my cock lined up with her entrance.

She moaned as she wriggled beneath me, needing me to help her release that fire that was building up inside of her, “And that is?”

“Never been in this position before, never wanted to be.” She smiled then.

But I wanted to discuss a few things before I finally slipped inside the body that was my home.

“I haven’t been with a woman for at least six months before I laid eyes on you. And I got tested after I was with her. I’m clean. You want to keep using condoms, we will.”

She nodded, then bit her lip, “I have an appointment for birth control next week.”

I grinned at her and winked, “That’s fine too. You take that, and we will discuss whether we continue to use condoms, then.”
