Page 57 of Perfectly Imperfect

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It wasn’t until she had the shirt over my head, and yes, I bent forward so she could get it all the way off, did I open my eyes and look down at her.

I saw the indecision in those beautiful blue eyes of hers and didn’t like it one bit.

I brought my hand up and placed it on the side of her face, my thumb caressing her cheek, my other hand landing on her hip, “Why the indecision, sweetheart?”

She closed her eyes briefly, let out a breath, and then said, “You know I trust you. Right?”

I nodded, “Yeah, sweetheart. I know you wouldn’t let me around Crew if you didn’t.”

Her eyes showed something else now, not indecision, but hope, longing, then she said, “Then… I want to thank you for being patient with me. And… well… I’ve… I haven’t been with anyone since that day happened. Will you… will you show me what it’s really supposed to be like?”

I shook my head. “No, sweetheart.”

When her eyes lost that hope, and that longing, I smiled down at her, “I’m not going to show you what it’s supposed to be like when two people love each other. Because I don’t fucking know, but I know that I want to. So, how about we both just do what feels right, and see what kind of magic happens?”

Then she looked up at me through half-lidded eyes, “It’s not bad luck to have sex before a game? Right?”

“Honestly, sweetheart, I don’t give a fuck if it is or isn’t. I’ll lose every game for the rest of my life, gladly, if it means I get to have you every night.”

Before I brought my mouth down on her lips and took us to the point of no fucking return, I asked, “Are you sure, baby?”

She nodded then, “I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life.”

With those words, I lowered my head and brought my lips to hers, and it was like magic was already being made every time we kissed each other.

As our tongues moved against one another, I lowered my hand from her face and moved it to her other hip, ran my hands over the exposed skin there.

I knew I didn’t have to ask her if she was sure, not when she moved her hands atop mine and moved them up with her shirt.

Once I lifted the material, our mouths broke. I had her shirt off and my lips back on hers, skin against skin. It felt as though we were both trying to crawl as deep as we could into one another.

My teeth nibbled on her bottom lip and when I felt that smile of hers, I bent, our mouths never losing one another’s, and then I wrapped my hands around her ass cheeks, and lifted her, her legs automatically wrapped around my hips.

Her hands were in my hair just then, and I stood there, holding her to me, still kissing her. I wasn’t sure how long we did that, but I knew we were both lost in the moment.

Then I slowly moved us to the edge of her bed. With one knee first, I hefted us both up and then crawled us up the bed.

As soon as I figured I got us up high enough, one of my hands left her ass, and braced myself atop the bed as I lowered us both down.

Our mouths seemed to duel, her body lifting to get more of me.

With two fingers, I popped the clasp on her bra, lifted my body slightly, and removed the material.

And holy fucking hell.

The feel of her breasts against my chest. The way her pebbled nipples brushed against my chest… I had no words for that.

I moved my mouth from hers and then trailed it to her ear where I nibbled on her delicate lobe. My mouth and tongue traced circles along the column of her neck.

Then I moved my lips down her breast and before I could ask if she was sure, she did that for me.

How do you ask?

By placing her hand on my head and shoving it toward her nipple.

I didn’t smile then.

I didn’t try to fight her.
