Page 56 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Shutting the truck off, I glanced in the rearview mirror and then smiled when I saw Crew was still knocked out.

To which Aliyah smiled that soft smile of hers in return.

I winked at her and quietly said, “You know the rule, Mama. You stay there and let me get your door.”

She nodded.

After I got out, rounded the hood, opened her door, and helped her down, I then moved to the back seat.

I carefully unbuckled him, and then raised my brow when she tried to hip-check me out of the way, “What are you doing?”

She looked at me as if I was doing something wrong, “I’m getting him out so I can get him in bed.”

“Sweetheart, you got me now. You don’t have to do it all on your own. I won't overstep. I promise. But carrying him when he’s asleep, or hell, carrying him anywhere, I got it.”

A thought crossed my mind that I wanted to voice, but it wasn’t time yet. It would be. One day. But today wasn’t that day.

Or so I thought…

And that thought was that I was built for the two of you. My body was made for them to snuggle into. My arms were made to carry him and shelter her from any storm.

After I had Crew in my arms with his little head pillowed on my chest, Aliyah and I walked side by side into her apartment building.

Once we got inside, she reached up, brushed her fingers through his hair, and then whispered, “I’ve got to pee like a racehorse.”

I chuckled softly, then winked, “I got him.”

“Shoes and socks off,” she told me as she fast-walked to her bathroom.

After I got his shoes and socks off, I covered him with his blankets, and then bent down and pressed a kiss on his forehead, while whispering, “Night, buddy.”

When I lifted and then stood back up, I quietly turned around and headed for the door, and saw a look on Aliyah’s face that I saw the other night on our date.

It was the same look when she told me for the first time that she loved me. Me.

I knew now, every time she did that, little electrical currents ran through my heart, and they zapped together every single fissure that had occurred since the day I took my first breath.

After I stepped out of Crew’s room, she silently closed the door, took my hand, and without another word, we walked into her bedroom.

When she let my hand go and stepped to the side of her bed, I had no clue about the thoughts she had been having all morning.

Not until I started to take my shirt off and then heard her whisper my name, “Daemon?”

I looked over my shoulder at her and lifted my brow.

She looked at the hand that was on the neck of my t-shirt, “Let me?”

I closed my eyes, I fucking loved when she had her hands on any part of my body.

If I wouldn’t have looked like a lovesick puppy, I’d follow her around all day, demanding she had at least one part of her body always touching mine.

So, I slowly nodded my head, even though I wanted to bang it quickly.

As she walked the few steps over to me, bit her bottom lip, reached for the bottom of my shirt, locked her eyes with mine, and then slowly lifted it, I hadn’t been able to keep my eyes closed.

Not as her fingers brushed up my body.
