Page 55 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Yes!” Crew shouted excitedly from his seat.

I nodded with a smile.

“Two rules. One, arms and feet must always remain in the vehicle. And second, have a freaking good time.”

And with that, we drove in a convoy twenty minutes out of town, and with the number of vehicles that were already there, I knew this was going to be a fun as-hell time.

Daemon looked at me, then winked, “You ready, sweetheart?”

I nodded.

Then he looked at Crew and asked, “You ready, buddy?”

He nodded too and said, “Let’s go.”

Daemon didn’t, he simply looked at me and mouthed, “I love you.”

I mouthed back, “I love you too.”

Then, Daemon punched the gas, and the tail end of the truck went sideways.

Crew was in the back laughing hysterically.

Around and around we went, doing spins and flying, then stopping and flying through the mud.

We had just spun back around, mud flying in the truck when Braydon came beside us and spun his truck in the mud which caused it all to fly into the cab of the truck.

Then Daemon lifted his middle finger at Braydon, and then looked back at Crew, “Don’t you copy that.”

Crew nodded, and then squealed when Marcus raced past us and then did something and caused mud to fly in Braydon’s open window.

Then Marcus shouted for all to hear, “You don’t fuck with them! He’s got precious cargo!”

I busted out laughing.


It was later in the night, we had all showered at the football house, and we were curled up in front of a fire with hot dogs on wire hangers and a bag of marshmallows, one of chocolate, and a box of graham crackers floated around the circle.

Crew was sitting in Daemon’s lap as he watched him make him a smore when I heard him ask Crew, “You have a good day, buddy?”

Crew nodded, and then said tiredly, “It was the best. Thank you.”

Daemon looked up immediately at the guys and said, “This is our last, little man is getting tired.”

Hugs were given and see you later’s came from the guys as we walked out to his truck.

We were headed back home when Daemon’s phone started pinging left and right. He pulled it from his pocket and handed it to me, then he gave me his password.

I gaped, “Wait, you trust me with your phone password?”

He nodded but didn’t say anything else.

I smiled, then took in a deep breath and told him mine.

That smile that I got for doing that, worth it. So worth it.

Chapter 12
