Page 54 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Trust me. Please. Just do it.” Then he hung up the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, Crew and I were walking out of our apartment, to the elevator, and then down through the main lobby and out the door.

And when we saw the line of trucks that were parked there, I felt my jaw drop.

Daemon jumped down from his, rounded the hood, and then smiled a smile that lit my entire world aflame.

“So, what are we doing?” I asked him.

He winked at me, pressed a kiss to my lips, and then he picked up Crew and started heading to his truck.

“Wait,” I called out to his back. “I need his booster seat.”

Without missing a step, he looked over his shoulder, “Didn’t we agree that we were together? And that means he’s mine too. And I take care of what’s mine.”

Seeing that he wasn’t taking no for an answer I hurried after them, and then felt my jaw drop to the ground.

Because there in his back passenger seat was a booster seat. But not just any booster seat, no, this one had racing straps on it.

“I got one for him in my other truck too,” he told me as he buckled Crew in.

“Feel tight?” he asked him.

Crew nodded.

“Good. That way you won’t move, and you’ll be safe.”

Then he produced a grocery bag from the floor and started taking things out, “You wear these all day long, it’s going to protect your eyes. Once we get where we’re going, I’m going to put this helmet on you, okay?”

Crew nodded, then I watched as his eyes flared, “Wait. Big trucks. Big tires. Safety seat. Are we going muddin’?”

“You bet your butt we are.”

“Heck yes.”

“Mama, your chariot awaits.” Daemon smiled at me as he opened my door for me.

I smiled at him and then stepped into his embrace and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

“In case I forget to tell you later, you’ve just made his year. Thank you.” I giggled as he winked and then picked me up and placed me on the seat.

Then he leaned his head in and said low, “I’m fucking thankful the men going with us are my teammates. They know I’ll beat their asses.”

“Why would you beat their asses?”

“Baby, your shorts. Your legs. Your fucking thighs.” He groaned. “I need to stop. We are taking this slow. Fucking. Slow.”

Then he closed my door, and I didn’t miss him reaching down and adjusting his cock.

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Crew asked from the back, “Why were you giggling, Mommy?”

“Because Daemon is funny.”

He opened the door as soon as I said ‘Daemon is funny’, winked at me, and then climbed up in the truck.

“Alright, are we ready?” Daemon asked as he started the truck up and it rumbled, which was followed by the rest of them.
