Page 53 of Perfectly Imperfect

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When we got closer, it was to see pillows and blankets laid out and a picnic basket.

“How’d you think of all of this?” I asked him as I turned in his arms.

“Had the idea for a bit, wanted to do this for you,” he told me.

“In case I forget, I had the best time with you tonight.”

He winked down at me, pressed a kiss on my lips, and then he lifted me. Only once my booty was on the tailgate did he join me. Then he checked his watch and smiled down at me, “Sunset is in half an hour.”

So there we sat. He hooked his phone to a speaker and played music, and we ate a delicious dinner he made of garlic chicken and pasta, with Reese peanut butter cups for dessert.

With my head on his shoulder, we sat there and watched the sun go down.

He didn’t say anything else until it was down, “I know this wasn’t much, but…”

I didn’t care to hear another word. I put my hand over his mouth and then smiled at him, “This,” I waved my hand around at all of it, and then smiled even wider, “is perfect. I can’t imagine a better first date. If you want to do this for every date, then that’s okay with me too.”

“Got one more thing I want to do before we go pick up Crew and I take you home,” I looked into his eyes and saw they were glittering.

So, I nodded.

That was when he reached down, changed the song, helped me off the back, and then we danced to a song that had me throwing my head back with laughter as he sang it to me and spun me around.

And then, he stilled, locked his eyes with me, and sang the next words to me: The devil tells me lies most every night. I don’t wander through the darkness. She’s my light. She’s an angel with no disguise, I felt a tear trail down my cheek, my man being my man, he leaned down and kissed the tears away.

With my eyes locked with his, I let out the words that my heart has been feeling for some time, “I know you don’t normally do this on a first date, but… I can’t keep this in anymore. Not after what you just did. I love you, Daemon. I’ve only ever said those words to Crew. But… I love you.”

When his eyes flared, he didn’t say anything except to slam his lips down on mine, and I felt him pour everything he was feeling into that one kiss.

I knew, right then and there, that if I never got the words, I would know how he felt.

Boy, would I.

But my Daemon. Was my Daemon.

So, when we pulled apart, he looked into my eyes, and in that deep rasp of his he said, “I love you too.”

I knew that I would play those words over and over in my head and recall the way he said that for the rest of my life.

We stayed like that, as another song came on, and we simply danced.

It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

And yes, I got a good night kiss and another I love you from him after he carried Crew into the apartment for me.

And before I closed and locked the door, he got a good night kiss and another I love you from me.


It was the following day when my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the screen, he had his own ringtone, “Hey, honey.”

He immediately asked, “Do you trust me?”

I felt my temper flare that he even had to ask me, “You know I do.”

“Okay, need you to get the two of you in clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. And pack something to change into later. Both of you. Just in case.”

“Wh…” he didn’t let me finish.
