Page 52 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I loved this top.

When I checked the peephole, I had to smile at how good my man looked.

I opened the door for him and took in all that was mine.

He had his all too familiar black ball cap on, and a dark green button-up shit, with dark jeans, and his boots.

“Hey, honey, looking good.” I told him.

He stepped into the apartment and wrapped his hands around my waist, my hands automatically went to his biceps and then his lips found mine in a slow, sweet kiss.

We were both breathless as we pulled away.

“You look beautiful. But then again, you always do. I’m one lucky man.”

I winked at him, “That you are.”

After I had grabbed Crew’s stuff, and we moved his booster seat to Daemon’s truck, he helped us both in and then we were off.

We had just dropped Crew off in their living room when Daemon knelt and said, “Okay, buddy. Mommy and I will be back to pick you up in a couple of hours, okay?”

He nodded, then pressed a kiss to Daemon’s cheek, “Treat my mommy right. Okay?”

“I always will, you have my word.”

Then I dropped down and wrapped Crew in my arms, “I love you, booger butt. You have a good time. If you need me for anything, I want you to call me immediately, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy. I love you too.”

Once the door closed behind us, he took my hand, smiled wide, and then led me out to his truck.

After he had the door opened for me, he gripped me around my waist and sat me down in the seat, then he leaned in and pressed a kiss on my lips that legitimately made my toes curl.

It wasn’t until he was in the truck that I asked him, “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and all he did was laugh.

The big bastard.

When I heard a song come on that I really liked, I turned the volume up and then he winked at me, “Like this song too.”

Once we made it out to a field, I looked over at him, “What is this?”

He winked at me.

Then he bounded out of the truck but not before he said, “You stay in the truck until I help you down and don’t you dare look back.”

Seeing that this was important to him, I promised.

So there I sat, staring out into the cab of the truck.

It didn’t take long for him to open my door, then he wrapped his hands around my waist and helped me down.

Then he led me to the back of his truck and I gasped. Audibly.

Because somehow, he had lights from poles around the truck bed.
