Page 51 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I even went so far as to say, “Tell you what, if I ever decide to get a tattoo, you’re so doing the designs on it.”

She nodded, “Be my pleasure.”

Just then, the back door to the backyard opened and Crew and Daemon came walking in with William behind them.

Crew ran up to me, and then I picked him up and placed him in my lap, and pressed a kiss atop his head, “You have fun with the guys?”

He nodded, then said, “Yeah, but we were missing someone.”

I frowned, “Who, booger butt?”

Then he said the one name that should have immediately popped in my head, “Marcus.”

That was when Daemon chuckled, “Marcus is actually eating at his parent's house tonight or else I would have invited him.”

After we all sat down and ate the pork roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls, I leaned back in my chair and had to smile at Crew and Daemon seeing how much they could eat without stopping for a drink.

Daemon looked up and then winked at me. Then I glanced at Melanie and William, who were laughing at their antics, and he looked back at Crew and nodded.

I knew he got it.

Even more so when he put his fork down and then said, “Okay, Mom, Dad. The favor I wanted to ask of you. It’s just Crew and Aliyah, that’s it. And I wanted to take her out on a date. She doesn’t have a sitter for him. I told her if I could find someone that she could trust with him, if I could take her out. Well, she trusted me, and I brought the two of them here. So, would the two of you be willing to watch…”

He didn’t even have to finish before Melanie clapped and nodded, “Yes, please, when?”

I looked at Daemon and shrugged, “This is the date you’re planning, honey. You pick.”

I saw him close his eyes, and I knew why; I had just called him something other than Daemon.

But I looked at Crew then who was smiling, and asked, “That okay with you, booger butt?”

He nodded, “Yeah, while you were in the bathroom, Grandpa pulled out some old cars he had and said when I came back, I could play with them.”

I raised my brow, “Grandpa?”

Crew fidgeted in his chair, then he looked at William, then at me, “Yeah. He told me it was okay to call him that, are you mad?”

I could see the guilt on William’s face, but for some reason, I trusted these people, for what they had done for the man that didn’t know that he had my entire heart in the palm of his hand.

And he did that when he didn’t lay down without checking on Crew the first night he slept over.

“For what they did for Daemon, no sweetie, I’m not mad. I’m honored. So, if you want to call him that, then that’s okay.”

He grinned then, which was followed by Melanie clapping her hands, and said, “I want to be called Nonnie, okay Crew?”

Crew didn’t even hesitate, “Okay, Nonnie.”

Then I looked over at Lily to see she was smiling wide, when she looked at me I tilted my head, silently questioning if all of this was okay with her, she simply smiled, then said, “Yes, it’s all okay with me. I see Daemon as my big brother, and I always will. And I like that I have a nephew to shop for.”

Crew gasped then at her words, which caused everyone to laugh.

Needless to say, it had been a great night.

What I didn’t know was that the following night was going to be even better. I had just placed my pearl earrings which were a gift from Laura, on my fifteenth birthday, into my ears when there was a knock on the door.

I grinned at my reflection and then walked down the hall; I had gotten a text from Daemon that told me to dress comfortably.

So, I had on a pair of jeans that hugged my curves, gray ankle booties, and a white waffle knit long-sleeved top that showed a little cleavage but not much that had ruching at the bottom.
