Page 46 of Perfectly Imperfect

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And then, just like that, in my little apartment, on my couch, I got my very first kiss.

His lips were as soft as they looked.

His tongue was just as firm as I imagined it would be.

At first, the kiss was soft and sweet, both of us learning one another.

And then, when he moaned, I opened my mouth as he slid his tongue in just the barest inch.

And we kissed, just like that, my hands found themselves on either side of his face and then I felt him smile against my lips, to which I replied with my own smile.

It was thirty minutes later, and he lifted me off his lap, carefully, pressed a soft kiss on my nose, and then he went and locked the apartment up, then and only then, did he return for me and carried me into my bedroom.

After I got ready, which consisted of silk pajamas and my hair braided to one side, he came back into the room. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I asked, “What were you doing?”

“Wanted to check on Crew.” And then he proceeded to take his shirt off in the most sexy manner I’ve ever seen. Which was grabbing it with one arm at the back of his neck and pulling it over his head.

This man was too much. Let me get over the shock that you wanted to make sure my boy was good.

Then you could’ve taken your shirt off.

He caught me staring at his chest, and then he winked at me, “All yours now.”

I chucked and then watched him walk into the bathroom.

After I moved the pillows around, I turned down the covers, and then got into bed.

He came out a few moments later, without his jeans on and barefoot.

“Okay to sleep in this?”

I nodded.

I also found out that he wanted to be the first line of defense, so he asked me if I wouldn’t mind moving to the other side of the bed.

Once I did that, he climbed in, and then wrapped his big body around mine, with his face pressed against the back of my neck, “This okay?”

I knew he was asking me that so he didn’t frighten me, so I said, “Anyone else did this that I didn’t trust, then no, it wouldn’t be. But with you, yes. It’s okay.”

We were both laying there as I recalled the marks on his back once he had taken his t-shirt off and then I whispered, “One day, I want to kiss every mark on your body.”

He nodded into my hair, “One day, whenever you're ready, I’ll let you.”

“Night, man of mine,” I said softly.

“Night, woman of mine.”

I felt a kiss on the back of my neck and then just like that, we both fell asleep, his arms never loosened from around my body all night long.

I didn’t realize that I had muttered something before I closed my eyes.

And those words had caused me to dig myself further into his heart.

“God couldn’t have created a better man even if he’d tried.”

Chapter 10

