Page 47 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Her words to me last night as she had fallen asleep were the first things I recalled as I woke up this morning.

My body was still wrapped around hers.

And then I felt the reason why I had woken up. The alarm on my watch. I had to get to early morning practice.

But I really, really, really thought about telling practice and the coach to go fuck themselves.

I was too fucking comfortable and too fucking happy.

But I had to get ready for the game that was this weekend.

And I had to show off for my buddy.

So, reluctantly, I unwrapped my body from around hers, and then carefully slid out of bed.

Seeing a pad and a pen on her nightstand I wrote her a note:

Sweetheart, really didn’t want to leave you this morning. But had early morning practice. Thank you for wanting to be mine. I’ll always be yours. Text me when you get up and I’ll see you and Crew later. D.

I had just made it to practice in time and was getting my pads when I closed my eyes and let those words run on repeat, “God couldn’t have created a better man even if he’d tried.”

And those words stayed on repeat all throughout the entire practice, and then I found myself practically running to my Tuesday morning class.

No, I wasn’t only practically running to class just so I could see her, it was also because I had gotten out of practice with a text waiting for me.

Aliyah – Good Morning. Hope practice went well. Crew says, Hey Dae.

When I walked into Professor Macklin’s room, I headed for my seat and smiled at my woman.

She smiled back and then nodded at the cup of what I hope was hot cocoa on the table.

I winked at her, and then sat down beside her and murmured, “Good Morning, gorgeous.”

She grinned, “Good Morning, handsome.”

Then I did what I’ve been wanting to do since I woke up this morning, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers.

It was the professor clearing her throat that had me pulling away from her mouth.

“Sorry,” we both mumbled at the same time.

And no, I didn’t miss the professor’s hidden smile when she turned away.

We both paid attention in class and then when it was over, I grabbed my cup and her bag, and then led her over to the door.

Once I had my hand free of the cup, I took her hand in mine and walked her to her next class, and then smiled when we both read the note outside the door.

The professor wasn’t going to be in today.

We headed to the forecourt since I had a free period, found an unoccupied spot, and then we both sat down underneath a tree. My back to the trunk, with her leaned back against my chest.

A few of the players that didn’t know about Aliyah nodded and then a few of their eyes widened.

I smirked and then pressed a kiss atop Aliyah's head and then said, “So, I want to take you out on a date. And if Crew goes with us, that’s fine too. But I want to show you off.”

“I umm… I don’t have a sitter. It’s just me and Crew.” I knew that, but I didn’t know she didn’t have a sitter or someone that could watch Crew for a few hours.

But that was okay, I had a plan, “Okay then, well, I have two people in mind if you’re up for them to watch Crew.”
