Page 45 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Before you start your truths, I have another one I need to share,” he told me.

I nodded and then waited.

“I’m not proud of it, Aliyah. But, baby, I couldn’t have walked away even if I tried.”

I was confused, “What are you talking about?”

“That night after the game. When you were putting Crew to bed. I listened to what he asked you and what you told him. And I respect the hell out of you. For doing this. For never blaming him. Never telling him that he ruined your life. Never punishing him.”

I should’ve been angry. That was private.

But well… he was going to find out before we took the next step.

And he told me that he had done it. He just didn’t keep it to himself.

So, I nodded, “Thank you for telling me. I was raped when I was sixteen. The boy that did it, he’d been asking me out left and right, but there was just something about him. I didn’t like it. I tried to fight back, Daemon. I really did. But… he’s almost as big as you. And I was about twenty pounds lighter back then.”

“I was only five foot four. I was no match for a boy that size, and he knew it too. The only words he said to me were that if he couldn’t have me, then no one else could. And every time I screamed and told him no, he just laughed.”

“The teacher, Ms. Turner had forgotten her keys to get back into the closed door. So she had to walk around the building to enter the office. She had walked in and then screamed, but he had already come inside of me.”

“I don’t know if I can go through with it again. But one day, I really do want to see what the hype with it all is about.”

That was when he tightened his arms around me and held me close, “Going to say this one time, and one time only. I’m a man. We like sex. But seeing your smile, knowing I’m the reason it’s there, well, sweetheart, that’s enough for me, and besides, I got a hand. So, I’m not pushing you. Whenever you’re ready, you just let me know. Okay?”

I nodded into his chest and then snorted, leaned my head back and looked into his eyes, “So anything else?”

He winked at me, then said, “Just one question, how’d the two of you have the same last name?”

“You caught that huh? Funnily enough, it really is the last name I was given at birth.” I said with a smile.

He grinned, then nodded, “Sounds like fucking kismet if you ask me.”

I smiled, wide, then said, “You never answered me.”

He chuckled then shook his head, “Nothing else.”

Therefore, I asked, “Okay then, so are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?”

I felt him cringe then, “Not really. I want to be your man, and I want you to be my woman. Simple as that.”

So I nodded, then I asked, “So, man of mine. Would you like to stay the night with me and do a first with me?”

I felt his fingers underneath my chin as he moved it off his chest and then he waited until he had my eyes and asked, “What’s that?”


He grinned, and then said, “Won’t do it unless something else happens.”

“What’s that?” What in the world was this man talking about?

“We seal the deal with a kiss first. Then yeah, I’d be honored to cuddle up to you and fall asleep with you. And just so you’re aware, that’s also something I’ve never done.”

Then he lowered his head and pressed a kiss on my forehead as his hand moved up and cupped the side of my face.

“You ready?” he asked softly.

I looked down at his lips, then at his eyes, and nodded.
