Page 30 of Perfectly Imperfect

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What Aliyah and I missed were Crew’s mumbled words as he slipped off to sleep.

“Thank you for making her my mommy. I would go back and make it so that Daemon was my dad. But I would make it so he didn’t hurt mommy.”

Chapter 7


After closing the door to Crew’s bedroom, I leaned my head back against the wall and took a deep breath.

I always knew that conversation was going to take place, and I dreaded it.

What child ever wants to hear that they are the product of rape?

No child. That’s who.

And when the doctors tried to make me take that pill, I understood why.

But a baby was a miracle. No matter how it came out.

As I headed back into the living room, I did my best to make sure the emotions I had been feeling weren’t showing on my face.

I saw Daemon sitting there on my couch as he flipped through channels.

“Hey,” I called out.

He looked at me and smiled, “Hey. He go down okay?”

I nodded, “Yeah, just told him a story, and then he was out like a light.”

He simply nodded, then padded the spot beside him.

I winked at him, then went into the kitchen and grabbed a mug, then I called out, “Hey, do you want some hot cocoa?”

He called out, “Yeah, if you don’t mind, that’d be great.”

After I had ours made, I put everything away and then carried the two mugs into the living room.

I handed him his, and then I sat down beside him with a little space separating us.

“Thank you,” he said, then blew on it and brought the cup to his lips. Thankfully, I needed to take my own sip so I wasn’t caught staring at his mouth.

But… it wasn’t just me.

Oh no.

I had looked over at him from my rim, to see he was doing the same thing, and then, almost as if it was planned, we both chuckled.

“So, what made you get into football?” I asked him after a beat of silence.

He sat there, staring at me, looking for something, and then he said, “I’ll tell you. But… I’ll only do it with the pretense that something else happens.”

I raised a brow, “And that is?”

“That you let me get to know the two of you. And if things go like I want them to, then I want you to know that one day, I plan to have the honor of calling the two of you mine.”

“Well, at least you understand we’re a package deal,” I told him.

He scoffed then, “Anyone who doesn’t want to be in that little boy's orbit is a fucking dumbass.”
