Page 31 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“So, what are you really wanting?” I asked him.

“What I want, for the first time in my life, is to look at a woman and say she’s mine. Then I want to pick Crew up and say that he’s mine. I want to have that right.”


I couldn’t understand it, but panic laced his every word, when he said, “Don’t say no. Please.”

I shook my head, to reassure him, wanting to relieve that panic I heard.

I didn’t like it.

Not one bit.

“I wasn’t going to say no. It’s just… you're going to have to have a lot of patience on our part. Fitting you into how we do things is easy. And we can always fit your games in if you want us there. It’s just, I’ve never trusted another person. I’ve only ever trusted two people. And you would be the third for me. But Daemon, you would be the second person for Crew. That’s a huge task to take on.”

He smirked, “Good thing I’m not afraid of hard work. As long as I know you see that this could head in that direction, then I’ll put in all the fucking work. All the two of you will have to do is sit back and watch.”

I giggled at that.

“But it takes two, or in our case three to put in the hard work. It wouldn’t just be on your shoulders.”

“Well, if it comes to that, then that’s fucking perfect. But if I feel the two of you slipping away from me, good thing I got big ass shoulders.”

I snorted.

He nodded, “Okay, just to confirm we’re on the same page here. Do you see whatever this is between the two of us becoming something more?”

God help me, but I wanted to be able to trust more people. I wanted to be able to find that kind of love. I wanted better for Crew. I wanted daddy-son days. I wanted someone to wrap their arms from behind me and then kiss the back of my neck. I want to know all about the wonder of experiencing your first kiss. I wanted everything that most people took for granted.

So, I looked at Daemon, and I would be lying if I said I couldn’t see all of that with him.

Because I could.

So, I did the only thing I could. I answered him, “I do see that. But the final decision is Crew’s.”

“And I respect the hell out of you for that. You have no fucking clue how much.”

I nodded, “Long as you understand that.”

He smirked, “So, you asked me why football?”

I nodded, then leaned back on the couch and got comfortable with my hot cocoa.

He did the same and then turned his body so he could face me.

“I’ll tell you more about my childhood later, but I was placed in a group home after some shit went down. A family was there dropping off donations, and I got to talking to the little boy there. And one thing led to another, and he talked me into trying out for football. I found that I could use all the pent-up anger I’d harbored over the first nine years of my life on that field. And I’ve been hooked ever since.”

“Have you always wanted to be a defensive lineman?”

He shook his head, “Nah, I was on offense at first until I started training and actually being able to eat. It took three months for my body to finally catch up, and then I was placed on defense one day. Imagine it. A little boy forty pounds lighter taking out a bigger boy. From that point on, I’ve been on defense.”

“I bet you were cute when you were younger,” I told him.

He smirked, “Nah, I was gangly until my body started getting what it needed.”

Then a thought occurred to me, well, two things really. The first was that I wanted to find his mother and give her a good lashing with my tongue, and then I voiced the second thing, “Well, god forbid anything like that ever happens again, but our pantry is always full.”

I saw his body tense and then watched, mesmerized as it softened. And a look I would break my back to see on his face appeared, then he made sure I had his eyes and he whispered, “Thank you.”
