Page 28 of Perfectly Imperfect

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It definitely seemed that we all had the same taste, because once she put one down, I grabbed it, and then once I sat mine down, Crew grabbed it.

I’d never had a better night in my life.

We laughed at the same parts, Crew holding his belly, me chuckling, and Aliyah snorting.

As soon as the credits rolled out, Aliyah checked her watch and then she looked at Crew, and said, “Okay, booger butt. It’s bedtime.”

He didn’t pout. He didn’t protest. He did none of those things, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

Then she knelt in front of him and asked, “What is the first thing we need to do?”

She held up one finger, and he said, “Brush my teeth.”

She nodded, then held up a second finger, “Good. And second?”

“Put on my jammies,” he said with a smile on his face.

“We’re two for three, let's get the full three. What do you do next?”

“Find a book and then get under the covers.” After he said that, she gave him a high five.

Then she smiled and said, “Wonderful. Hop to.”

He laughed and then started hopping like a bunny rabbit, and I couldn’t contain my laughter.

Damn, but that felt good.

I got up from the couch and started helping her gather up the containers and tossing the empty ones in the trash.

I had just placed the last one in the trash, then I asked, “So, how late can I stay?”

It took her a minute to answer me, almost as if she was contemplating everything all at once, then, when she locked those blue eyes of hers with mine, it felt as though I had been given the moon on a silver fucking platter, “Long as you get home to get a good night’s sleep, I’m sure you’re tired, then you can stay however late you would like.”

I almost fist-pumped. Almost.

So, instead, I simply nodded.

I had walked back to the coffee table to make sure there wasn’t anything left to clean up when I heard, “Mommy? I’m ready.”

She smiled, then looked at me, “Oh, and by the way, thanks for helping clean up. You really didn’t have to do that.”

I shook my head, “Sweetheart, didn’t have the best childhood. Not until I was shown how decent human beings really are.”

I could tell she wanted to ask more about that, but she didn’t. Instead, she put her boy first over what she wanted.

And as I watched her walk down the hall and disappear right into Crew’s bedroom, I thought to myself, let the fight to become a part of their world begin.

That ass, though, as she walked away, fucking worth it.

But that smile she tossed over her shoulder as she caught me staring at it?

Yeah, definitely fucking worth it.

I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, I really hadn’t meant to.

But hell, seeing a Mama the way they were supposed to be was a shock to my system. And the full conversation that took place, I couldn’t have moved my body even if I wanted to. “Hey, Mommy?”

“Yeah, booger butt?” I heard her ask him.
