Page 26 of Perfectly Imperfect

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At Crew’s nod, I watched in fascination as he leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss on Daemon’s cheek, “Thank you.”

Then without missing a beat, Daemon said, “You’re quite welcome, buddy.”

Knowing I needed a minute before I was a big bawling bundle of tears, I headed into the kitchen to put the flowers in some water. I had just filled a vase with water and put the flowers into it when Daemon asked, “Do you like them? Or do you like something else?”

I had to take a moment to breathe, because if Daemon kept being the way he was, I knew that I was going to end up falling head over heels for this man.

And I had quite a feeling that he would catch me if I fell.

That caused a feeling of something I’ve never felt before in my life to circle through my body.

I looked up at him, and then at the flowers he got me, “No one’s ever gotten me flowers before. So, I don’t know what my favorites are. But these are pretty.”

To that, had I known what would spark inside of him, I knew that I never would have said anything different.

“Ready to go see my room, Daemon?”

Daemon looked at Crew, who was still in his arms and looked at me, then he asked, “You already paid?”

He was referring to the food, so I nodded at him.

He furrowed his brow, “Why?”

“What do you mean, why? When you order food, you must pay for it.” I looked at him as if he had a screw loose.

That was when it hit me. He was a football player; he must expect to have to pay for everything. Well, not with me. And not with my boy. I had us.

“Daemon, you’re our guest. You don’t pay while you are here,” I told him.

Well, I thought I had the matter understood, but I was wrong, even more so when he said, “I like that. I do. But I was raised that a man always pays for his family, no matter what. So please, don’t do that again.”

Then he let Crew lead him to his room.

I was raised that a man always pays for his family, no matter what.

Was he saying what I thought he was saying?

I’ve only known him for two weeks. He just met Crew.

This was all too soon, and I needed to take a step back.

Well… that was until I heard Crew’s giggles.

Fuck. Me.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

I dropped the silverware on the island and started to make my way to the door until I felt a gentle hand on my hip, “I got it, babe.”

I may have taken in everything that took place, but I was still stuck on the feeling of his warm, calloused hand on my hip. He did something that no one’s ever done to a certain extent.

Then, sure enough, he went to the door, opened it, took the food, tipped the guy, and closed the door.

Then he brought it back and sat it on the island at my side.

And I was still standing there like a bumbling idiot.

“What?” Daemon asked when I still hadn’t moved.
