Page 25 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I closed my eyes and then opened them, and said low, “We’ve never done this, Daemon. This would be all new territory for the both of us.”

I saw a wrinkle in his brow, then he said, “Please explain that to me.”

I looked at all the people still standing there. Immediately, he saw what I did, picked up his bag, then he picked up Crew, then he took my hand in his, and started leading us out of the tunnel.

And something that had me grinning was that Marcus moved in front of us, clearing a path.

Once we were out of the tunnel and away from the massive amounts of people, he dropped his bag, and sat Crew on his feet at my side, then with my hand still in his, he squeezed it, silently telling me to explain.

“As I said, this is new territory, Daemon. If you come over, then Crew will expect you to come back. You’ll be the very first person we let in.”

I knew he picked up the meaning when I said, we. It wasn’t just Crew that this was new for.

He didn’t hesitate to reply, “Then I think it’s a good thing your kid is awesome, and who the hell wouldn’t want to spend time with both of you?”

So, I nodded. “Okay. Can you give me your number, please?”

He rattled off his digits, so I sent him a text with our address.

After I did that, I pocketed my phone, then I asked, “What do you like?”

He looked down at me and said, “Anything that’s Chinese, I’ll eat it.”

And just like that, we had plans for the night.

And wouldn’t you know that Daemon walked with us to my car and stood there as I buckled Crew in, then he opened my door for me and said, “I’ve got a stop to make then I’ll be there.”

I nodded, then climbed into my car, but before he closed the door for me, he muttered, “Be safe.”

“You too.” And with that, he closed the door.

We had made it home and gotten comfortable, and I had just placed the order for the food when there was a knock on the door.

Knowing exactly who that was, as well as Crew, he bounded up from his trucks and then headed to the front door with me.

I checked the peephole and smiled as I unlocked the door.

Then when I opened it, I had to smile at the flowers in his hand and the miniature football he held.

“These are for you,” he said as he offered them to me.

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to do this.” He winked at me, then looked down at Crew.

“And this, buddy, is for you.” Daemon handed him the football.

“For me?” Crew gasped. And then I watched as a little tear trailed down his cheek. I dropped to my haunches immediately and then brushed it away.

“Booger butt, what’s wrong?” I stared into his eyes.

“No one’s ever gotten me something just because, Mommy. You do it all the time. But no one else.”

And I hoped like hell Daemon really did grasp what him being here meant.

And when I saw his hand in my peripheral, I looked at it, then up at him, and saw that he did, in fact, get it.

I placed mine in his as he helped me stand, and then he bent and picked Crew up then he stepped through the door, closed it, and locked it.

Then with every bit of seriousness in his tone, he looked at Crew and said, “I’m sorry I brought a tear to your eye, buddy. I’ll do my best not to do that anymore. But you can bet that I’ll always get you something just because and you can take that to the bank. Okay? Just promise me that you won't throw the ball in the house. All right?”
