Page 24 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Yeah, I think we just made his day right back.

I was stunned yet again today as he ignored everyone that called out his name and then snarled at the four girls that tried to stop him, but he pushed past them as he made his way to us.

And when he got to us, I was shocked when Crew flung himself out of my arms and then into Daemon’s, who didn’t hesitate to drop his bag and catch my boy.

Immediately, Crew started talking, “You did great. That was awesome. Do you think he’s hurting?”

Daemon chuckled at that, then he looked at my boy and nodded, “Yeah, got a feeling he’s needing some pain reliever.”

I stood there with my hand over my mouth at what was taking place.

The only person’s arms that Crew ever wanted to be in was mine.

And normally, anytime he was around new people, he shied away.

But not with Daemon.

That was when he looked at me, and then at my hand over my mouth, and I watched as concern filled his face. He stepped closer to me and asked, “Hey, you okay?”

I nodded, “He just shocked me, is all.”

Daemon looked from me to Crew then back to me, “Why?”

I simply shook my head, “He’s never done that. He usually shies away from people he’s never met before.”

Daemon got an all-knowing glint in his eyes and then I watched as a smile graced his lips, “You telling me he’s never wanted to be in another man’s arms before?”

Before I could answer him, Crew did, “Mommy’s never brought a man around me before. And I’ve never spent a night away from Mommy.”

What I missed was the woman at my side covering her face and then the girl smiling wide.

Daemon nodded, then looked at me, and I wished I had the ability to read minds.

He handed Crew back to me, but I could tell he didn’t really want to do that.

Then he looked at the people standing at my side and leaned into the man’s ear and said something and then the man nodded, clasped Daemon on the back, then he gathered the two women, and led them out of the tunnel.

Then Daemon looked at me and asked, “So, what are y’all doing after this?”

I smiled, then placed Crew on his feet, tagged his hand and said, “Well, since it’s Saturday, we are placing an order for Chinese, and buying a movie we want to see.”

He nodded, then asked, “And the other days of the week?”

I laughed, “Well, Sunday I start a pot roast or something in the crock pot. Monday, we have leftovers. Tuesday is tacos. Wednesday is pizza. Thursday, he gets to pick. Friday, I make lasagna.”

I watched him take all that in and then was shocked at what happened next.

“Do you want to come and eat Chinese with us?” Crew asked him.

Daemon knelt on the ground in front of my boy, then said, “I’d be honored, but it’s up to your Mama.”

I looked at my boy, who looked up at me with pleading eyes, then I looked at Daemon, who read the expression on my face, and he stood up, then he got close to me.

So close, in fact, that I could see clear as day the little flecks of green in his light hazel eyes. “I don’t have to come.”

I shook my head, “It’s not that, Daemon.”

When I say I saw a look of patience on his face, I wouldn’t be lying. “Then what is it?”
