Page 23 of Perfectly Imperfect

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We watched the last four minutes of the game, and then when our team scored the last time, I grabbed our stuff and then smiled as Daemon looked up here at us.

I had a feeling that if we went to that tunnel, it wouldn’t only make Crew’s day.

So, ten minutes later, I stood with Crew in my arms as we waited with a ton of people lining the walls of the tunnel.

A woman, a man, and a younger girl stepped beside us, and I smiled at them, then I turned my head to the doors.

“Is he coming out soon, Mommy?”

“I don’t know, baby. I’ve never done this before.”

“They usually shower and have a pep talk, then the players will start trickling out,” the man said to me.

I nodded, “Thanks for that.”

The woman smiled at me, “Did y’all enjoy the game?”

Crew nodded, with a smile so wide, I was sure they could see every single one of his teeth, “Yep. Daemon sacked the quarterback for me.”

She laughed then, “I saw him do that and then he pointed at someone. Was that to you?”

My little boy smiled so wide it was a wonder his little cheeks didn’t hurt. “Yep.”

“That’s awesome,” she said.

And then we saw the players start to trickle out.

One by one they came out.

Player after player signed random things.

And when a woman pulled her top down for one of them to sign her boob, my hand was immediately covering Crew’s eyes.

“Ugh, I hate that part. Have some class,” the girl said, and I looked at her and nodded my agreement.

We stood there with them, and then when I saw a big black man make his way out, I saw him look around and then his eyes froze on me and Crew.

What the hell was all that about? I wondered to myself.

He turned on his foot and headed back to the locker room, uncaring that he moved people out of his way, and then I watched as he went back in.

“That was weird,” I said aloud.

“That was Marcus. He’s another defensive end, like Daemon is.”

I looked at the man and asked, “Y’all know Daemon?”

They all looked at each other and then at me and Crew and nodded.

And before I could ask them what that was about, the door opened again and people started cheering.

And who they were cheering for? Well, that was for Daemon.

My god.

Just how big of a deal was he?

Before I could think anything more about that, I saw the black man, I now knew as Marcus pointed to where we were standing, and then I watched in amazement as Daemon looked at me then at Crew, and tried to fight a smile, but failed.
