Page 22 of Perfectly Imperfect

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After we had made it back to our seats, we both got comfortable. Well, I did. Crew, however, was up in his chair every time Daemon sacked the QB. For him. For my boy.

And I knew right then and there that if that man was able to make my boy this happy, then… well… I was going to get to know him.

It was a few minutes later that a man stepped in front of us and asked, “Excuse me?”

I looked over at the boy, and narrowed my eyes, my protective streak coming out as I placed my hand on Crew’s thigh, “Yes?”

He saw the move and smiled, then he explained, “Trust me. I’m not here to be rude or make anything awkward for either of you, I promise. Especially not with what I was tasked to do and from whom. I like my face just the way it is. But this is for him, one of the players asked me to grab it.”

“Oh.” I bit my lip and then looked down at Crew, who looked shocked. And then that smile that could turn my day from sad to happy in the blink of an eye appeared on his face.

Grinning, I started to reach for my wallet until the boy said, “You don’t have to pay for it. It’s already been taken care of.”

He handed the red thing to my son, and then I asked, “What player?”

He grinned. “The jersey will tell you. Y’all enjoy the rest of the game.”

And with that, the boy was gone.

I sat there as my boy’s little fingers moved over the jersey, opening it up and then looking at the number. He let out a gasp and then turned it around.

And on the red jersey with black letters, it read Campbell in all caps and the number fifty-three on the back of it.

Then he looked up at me, back to the jersey, down to the field, and then back to me. Then he asked, “It’s from him?”

I looked at it, bit my lip, and then nodded.

His excited yelp filled the area and then he was taking off his hat and then handed the hat to me and then held up his arms.

I grinned and helped him put the jersey on.

He looked down at it and smiled, then he put his hat back on.

And for the rest of the game, I knew that Daemon hadn’t been able to hear Crew cheering for him, but he was the loudest in our group.

Every time Daemon sacked a player, Crew cheered. And every time Daemon sacked the quarterback, he jumped up on his seat and cheered.

And no, I didn’t miss Daemon looking in our direction each time he did it, and then pointing to my boy.

The people around us were slow to pick up what was going on, but by the third time he did that, they started looking at us.

And you know what?

I didn’t care about the stares. Not one bit.

Everyone in the entire stadium, hell, the entire world, could stare at me, and it wouldn’t bother me, because my boy was having the time of his life.

In the last four minutes of the game, Crew looked up at me and asked, “Mommy, you know how on TV that some players will sign things for them in the tunnel thingy?”

I nodded, “Yeah, booger butt. Why do you ask?”

“Well…” he bit his lip. “Do you think we could go and do that with Daemon?”

I honestly didn’t know. I wasn’t sure.

But I knew that if that was what my little boy wanted to do, then that was what we would do.
