Page 21 of Perfectly Imperfect

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If anyone else on the team had asked me that, I would’ve ignored them. But he was my brother from another mother.

The day I had gone to the group home, his parents and he had been there dropping off donations.

He had walked up to me and asked without hesitation on who he needed him to go beat up.

He’s been my best friend ever since.

I looked over my shoulder at them as they made their way back to their seats, and when I saw they were sitting back down and safe, I put my helmet on and said, “I hope one day they are mine.”

He looked at them, then at me, and nodded.

What I didn’t know was that my parents had watched the whole interaction, and when my mom had seen my smile, a tear had slipped down her cheek, and she had vowed then and there that if she ever met the woman and child that caused that reaction in me that she was going to love them forever.

I had just come off the field after sacking the QB four times when I glanced up in the stands and saw Crew on his feet in his chair, clapping and yelling, all with Aliyah’s head thrown back in what I assumed to be laughter.

That was when an idea struck me, and another smile, add that to the past five that have taken place today and all because of the two human beings that stared at me, hit my face.

I knew if I had my way, the two of them would be putting a permanent smile on my face.

And for the two of them, I wouldn’t mind it. Not one single fucking bit.

I just had to put in the work. Because working myself into their schedule and their dynamic was going to take some work.

And seeing as I was slated to probably go in the first round in the draft next year, I wasn’t afraid of work.

Fuck. No.

“Yo!” I called out to Matthew. He was standing near the water coolers.

He came running over to me, in his dark red vest, and then looked up and asked, “What can I do for you?”

“I need you to run to the apparel store. Find the smallest jersey you can with my name and number on it, and then deliver it to that boy.” I pointed to Crew.

He looked at him, took notice of the section, and then nodded, “I’ll do it immediately.”

I nodded.

Then I looked at them one more time and then turned my head back into the game.

Did I show off the rest of the game for that little boy and his mama?

You bet your fucking ass I did.

And yes, every time I sacked the QB, I pointed directly at Crew so he would know it was for him.

I knew I was showing a side of me that nobody on this planet had ever seen.

I knew they all saw it too from the stares and the jaws hanging open.

And the coach clapped me on the back as I came off the field at the end of the third quarter and said, “Not sure what got that fire under your ass, but I’m fucking glad for it.”

All I had to do was look up in the stands and that right there was the reason for the fire.

Marcus stepped beside me and nodded, then he looked at Crew and Aliyah, “They're the reason for this side of you, they ever need anything, I’m there.”

I nodded at him. Grateful he had my back.

Chapter 5
