Page 20 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I looked over my shoulder at the men signing things and such and taking slips of paper that I knew held phone numbers.

My eyes trailed over the people there, knowing my family was sitting higher up, and then I looked back at the field.

But then… I jerked my head back in the direction of whom I had seen.

She was here.

I closed my eyes, hoping like fuck I had seen what I thought I did, and then I opened them back up, and sure as fuck, she was standing there against the rail, ignoring the players with her eyes locked on me.

I looked down at the little face that was staring at me with wide eyes and a smile that did something to me, and then I shit you not, her little boy waved at me.

Then I did something I’d never done in my whole career, or my life for that matter.

I stood up, then walked over to right in front of them, and then jumped up on a space on the bench.

I got as close to them as I could and ignored the stunned stares from the other guys as I muttered, “Hey.”

Aliyah looked down at me and smiled, then chuckled, “Hey, I didn’t even know you were a football player.”

I smirked, “I got that when you didn’t flirt with me when I sat down beside you.”

She winked, “Ahh, all the other girls have your ego as big as your head?”

I stilled when I felt a chuckle that wanted to bubble up at her teasing.

I shook my head instead, “Nah, they’re just people, they don’t matter to me though. Now, who’s this?”

She smiled and then looked at her boy, and said with pride, “This is my son, Crew. Crew, this is Daemon.”

“Hi.” The little boy I know knew as Crew smiled wide at me. And that smile, I knew right then and there that if he ever asked me for a fucking thing, he would have it. I didn’t care what I had to do to get it for him.

And for that matter, it was the same with his mama.

Neither of them knew just what they had evoked inside of me.

I nodded at him, “Hey little man, you having fun?”

He nodded, “Yeah. When you sacked the quarterback, that was freaking awesome.”

If I thought that she was able to evoke every protective instinct in my body when she said my name for the first time, it was nothing compared to this when I thought about that little boy ever being treated like I was at his age.

I didn’t even have to think about it. If I ever saw anyone raise their hand to that boy, I would be committing murder. And then I would sit there and wait for the cops to show up.

“Want me to do it again?” I asked him and felt a smile hit my face again at his excitement.

“Yes! Please. That was awesome!” Therefore, I nodded at my marching orders.

“Okay, I gotta go to work.”

“Kick butt, Daemon,” Crew said.

I nodded at him, then looked at Aliyah and saw the soft smile on her face, “Just don’t get hurt. Okay?”

I winked at her and was rewarded with a smile that resonated straight to my heart, “Do my best.”

And then with that, I jumped down and then headed back to the sidelines.

It was Marcus that stepped next to me, “Who was that?”
