Page 19 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I shrugged, “I don’t know, sweetheart.”

“Mommy, he wouldn’t have brought you a coffee, and then the hot cocoa you like for a week straight if he didn’t like you. Guys don’t do that kind of thing.”

He told me while he was using his fountain of knowledge for a four year old.

I grinned then tapped him on the nose, “Perhaps you’re right.”

Chapter 4


As I had walked away from her the other day in the library, I had cursed out a blue streak a mile wide.

Would I ever catch a break and have time with her just to be in her presence?

I wanted that.

No, I needed that.

Even more so when I had glanced over my shoulder, needing one more look at her to see her eyes had been on my ass.

I guess I wasn’t the only one affected.

Today was Saturday, and it was game day.

I woke up to three texts. And since I didn’t give my number to anyone other than my team with the explicit understanding that they wouldn’t give it to anyone else, I knew who the texts were from.

Dad – Good luck today, son. We will be in our seats cheering you on.

Mom – You kick ass and take names, baby. But if you get hurt, I’m shoving my size seven foot up their asses.

I shook my head at that. She was a buck ten soaking wet, but I’ve seen that woman in action. If anyone said a wrong thing to me or Lily, you best believe you were going to go toe to toe with her.

Lily Cake – Good luck, big bro. Can’t wait to watch you clobber them.

I answered them all back and then took a shower, had my protein shake, ate the breakfast that Finch made, and then we all grabbed our stuff and headed to the field.

I was standing in the center as the ref flipped the coin when I looked up into the stands where I knew my family was sitting and then saluted them with two fingers like I always did.

And yes, they each did the same thing with me.

We got the defer and let them have the ball for the first half.

And then we got lined up, and when the ref blew the whistle, and the other team's QB said the second hut, I was off my feet and charging through the line, and yeah, for the first play of the game, I laid the QB out.

Cheers from fans and my team surrounded me.

On and on it went until we got possession of the ball.

And then I was on the sidelines, pulling for our offense. We had possession of the ball for less than two minutes and got a touchdown, and then when they said the kick was good, we were fucking rolling.

We were up twenty-four to zero by halftime and all the coach said was to keep pounding and we were golden.

So that was what we intended to do.

I walked out with Marcus and did our familiar fist bump, and then we ran back onto the field.

I was sitting on the sidelines as the offense stood in a huddle while the other team's defense checked on one of their players.
