Page 18 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Yes!” he exclaimed.

Today, we were attending our first-ever football game. And I couldn’t wait to see how excited he would get. I lived only for his smiles. And those two little dimples popped out.

I nodded, then I took on my Mom tone as he liked to call it, and asked, “Okay, what are the rules?”

His little face got serious, and then he said, “I keep my hand in yours, and I ask you before I move unless it’s to jump up in my seat and scream.”

I nodded, pride bursting through my chest at my little boy, “And if you need to go potty?”

It took him a minute, then his eyes lit up, and he answered me, “I tell you immediately because of long lines.”

I smiled at him, “Good. Okay.”

With that, I grabbed the clear backpack I bought that held a change of clothes for him, sunscreen, and his headphones in case it got too loud for him, and then I dropped my ChapStick, wallet, phone, and keys into it.

After I had the car locked up tight, and his hand in mine, we followed the line into the stadium.

And in bright white letters, it read, “Charlotte U.”

Then in bright orange, it read, “Home of the Lions.”

It took us twenty minutes to turn in our tickets and find our seats, and I was so happy with them.

We were sitting behind the home team’s fifty-yard line, and there was a pole behind us so no drunk idiots could fall into us and ruin this experience for Crew.

I looked down at him and asked, “Are you hungry?”

I had made a big lunch before we came here, but I knew that I didn’t want to brave the lines today, but I would for him.

Thankfully, he shook his head no.

As more and more people started filling the seats, we heard a song come on, then he looked up at me excitedly, “Is it about to start?”

I looked at my watch and saw that we had thirty minutes until kickoff. Therefore, I nodded.

“Look, Mommy!” he called out, and I looked at where he was pointing to. The marching band was doing their number before the players came on the field and I smiled at him.

“That’s super cool, right?” At his nod, I smiled and then looked at the jumbotron that was announcing the players.

Apparently, Crew had looked up at me and looked to where I was looking, because I heard, “Wow. He’s big.”

I looked down at Crew and then at the screen and nodded, “Yes, he is.”

While the players were introduced, he would comment on them, but when a certain player’s photo came across the screen, his name, and his number, I felt my jaw hit the freaking floor.

And yes, the first name of Daemon was spelled correctly.

I hadn’t realized that I had said that aloud, “No way.”

Not until I heard Crew ask, “What is it, Mommy?”

I looked down at him and then tried to gather my thoughts. “Do you remember a few weeks ago when I was smiling a lot, and you asked me why?”

He sat there for a moment, thinking, and then I watched as his eyes lit up and he nodded, “Yes.”

“Good. Well, it was because of a boy. And I just now realized that the same boy is a football player. He’s the one with the coffee cup.”

My little boy grinned wide, “That’s cool, Mommy. Do you think we can say hey?”
