Page 17 of Perfectly Imperfect

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And did my cheeks turn pink when he looked over his shoulder, saw me staring at him, and then wink at me?

Yes. Yes, they did.


But something else I noticed was that every female’s eyes had been on him the entire time, as well as a few of the males.

And not just a small number of the females looked at me curiously.

And not just an even smaller number sneered at me.

What the hell was all that about?

I just talked to him. Jesus. Was the whole female population drinking the wrong flavored Kool-Aid, or what?


It was the weekend, finally.

And I couldn’t wait to see Crew’s expression when I told him about our plans today.

I was in the kitchen getting his eggs plated and cutting up some strawberries when he meandered into the room.

His pajamas were skewed and his curls sticking up wildly.

“Hey, booger butt, you sleep good?” I asked him softly.

He made it to me, wrapped his little arms around my legs, and nodded into them.

And dang if my heart didn’t melt this morning when he did that, just like he did every morning.

I smiled, then bent down, picked him up, and then blew raspberries into his neck.

At his giggle, I moved him to his seat and then placed his plate in front of him and a glass of his favorite chocolate milk.

I made my own plate and then sat down beside him.

It was a few minutes before he asked, “What are the plans today?”

I waited a beat until I swallowed my own eggs, and then shrugged, “Who knows? But I happen to have two tickets to a football game today.”

He was silent for a few minutes.

From the corner of my eye, I watched him process that statement.

And then an ear-splitting squeal left his mouth.

I chuckled, “Are you excited?”

He nodded enthusiastically, and then he carefully climbed down and took off toward his bedroom.

I called out while still laughing, “Where are you going?”

He called back, “To get ready. We don’t want to be late.”

I laughed and then was about to call out that he better finish his breakfast first before I thought better of it. He was excited. He could finish his fruit after he got ready.

After I parked my car, and yes, we arrived two hours before the game was supposed to start, I turned in my seat and didn’t need to ask this because he was literally bouncing in his booster seat, but I asked anyway, “Hey, booger butt. Are you ready?”
