Page 16 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Two weeks ago, I had been scrolling through the channels on the TV with Crew sitting in front of me playing with his trucks when he called out for me to go back a channel, and then I went back, and then back, and then back and then he called out to stop.

It was a football game that was on.

And for once in his four years of life, his trucks had been forgotten, and the game had his full attention.

So, I decided to see if I could get us tickets to the home game this weekend. And thankfully, I had been able to, and they were good seats. He would be able to see everything. I had paid a pretty penny for them, but if I would be rewarded by his smile all day long, then it was money well spent.

And I had this free time because the daycare had taken the kids on a field trip to the discovery center, and I couldn’t wait for Crew to tell me everything he learned.

I had just flipped the page on my book and saw the remaining answer I had on this last assignment when I heard my name called out. I also wasn’t going to explain why I got a feeling in my lower half when I heard my name, “Aliyah?”

I was getting to know that deep rasp.

And I was finding myself wanting to have him read my favorite smut book to me.

My lord, when he got to a certain scene, it was highly probable that I would spontaneously combust.

Shaking my head, I lifted it in the direction I heard my name and saw him standing at the edge of the table with his one hand holding onto a backpack strap and his other in his pocket.

I didn’t check out how the white t-shirt molded to his solid chest. Nor how the sleeves molded to his biceps. I didn’t check out the tattoos that formed a sleeve on his right arm. Nor did I check out the black fitted ball cap that was backward on his head.

I didn’t do any of that. No siree bob.

“Hey, you,” I said to him with a smile on my face.

He jerked his chin at me and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Getting some assignments knocked out while I have some free time. What about you?”

He bit his bottom lip and then asked, “You want the truth?”

I nodded, “Always.”

He sighed, then pulled out a chair beside me and sat down on it backward, “Been wanting to ask you something and need to know if you’ve got the time to answer me if you're willing.”

I checked my watch. I had half an hour to get to the daycare to get my boy. And it would take me five minutes to pack up my stuff, and then ten minutes to get there.

So, I said, “I’ve got maybe five to ten minutes.”

He nodded, “I’ll take it.” Then he took in a breath and said, “The reason I’m here was a stroke of luck on my part. There’s a book I need, and then as I was walking out, I looked up and saw you. So, that’s the why. As to why I stopped… well, I’ve been wanting to know something… I hope I’m not being too forward. The little boy with you, is he your son?”

The only reason I was even entertaining answering him and not calling for campus security, well, three things really, he had brought me hot cocoa every morning that we had a class together over the past week, he really had listened to me, and yes, they had the perfect amount of marshmallows in them. He also walked me to and from classes on those days too. And he really did look like he could rip the security guards in half. Simply by sneezing on them. He was that big.

Therefore, I nodded. Proudly.

He seemed to be relieved a little, and I saw something behind his eyes, was that… respect... for me? Before I could dive into that thought, he said, “I thought so. So, you’re a single mom, going to college?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I had him at an early age. I was put into a position that allowed me to go to school full-time and be able to be with him after. I chose this college because they have a daycare center for single parents. I’m grateful.”

And then he glanced at his watch, “Okay, I don’t want you to be late. It was nice to see you again. And thanks for answering me.”

I nodded, “Yeah, you too.”

He nodded, then he stood up, righted the chair, and headed out.

Did I watch that swagger that was all his own as he walked away?

Of course, I did. What sane, heterosexual woman wouldn’t?
