Page 15 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I smirked, “I know your name is Aliyah. I know you’re a good person. I know you like hot cocoa. That’s three things. I’ll find out more whenever you want to tell me. You have a good one.”

Then I walked backward from her, wanting to keep her in my line of vision until I felt my watch tell me that I needed to push it. Then and only then, once I couldn’t see her face clearly, did I spin on my heel and jog to the practice field.

Chapter 3


I had stayed rooted in my spot as I watched him walk backward, and the lucky devil hadn’t tripped or run into anyone.

Then I watched as he spun on his foot and then jogged off.

Just who was he?

Why did he really stop me?

It made no sense to me.

And by the way, if we hadn’t been in class and I hadn’t wanted to make a scene, then I would’ve told him he could take that coffee and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

I didn’t do men.


I had my boy, and he was all that I needed.

And yet… I found myself regretting that I would have told him to shove that coffee.


Because of his voice. Holy crap.

His voice sounded like he smoked a pack a day, but his teeth were too white for that to be the case.

And don’t even get me started on his eyes when I had looked at him from the coffee cup.

I’d heard about getting mesmerized by a pair of eyes, but I hadn’t believed it.

Sure, I was mesmerized by my son’s.

But it’s never happened with another person.

I sighed, then realized that if I didn’t hurry, I was going to be late picking Crew up.

Damn him.

I hated being late for anything with Crew.

He was my number one priority, and he always came first.

At that thought I pushed Daemon, whoever he was, to the back of my mind and headed to my boy.

I wasn’t going to explain later that night, after I gave Crew a bath, and read him a bedtime story, that I pulled a Ziploc bag out of the drawer and put the coffee cup in it, sealed it, and pulled out a shoebox, took out the shoes, and then put the cup in there and close the lid.

I definitely wasn’t going to explain that.

I didn’t care to explain it the following week as I sat at a table in the library and used my free time wisely and that was to get some assignments knocked out before I took Crew on a surprise trip this weekend.

Well, it wasn’t really a trip. But it was something I knew he wanted to do.
