Page 14 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Yes. I love anything with caramel. But if you are going to do this again, I prefer hot cocoa with marshmallows in the mornings,” she told me, and I turned my head to see a little twinkle in her blue eyes that reminded me of the sky when a storm starts to roll in.

They were that captivating.

Knowing I needed to answer her and stop looking like a complete moron, I nodded, “So noted.”

She smiled, then looked back at the board and then took a sip of her coffee.

I felt her eyes on me as I leaned back in my chair and listened to what the professor said, then I felt her lean in close, and whisper, “My name is Aliyah.”

And the way she said her name had every single protective molecule in my body firing at all cylinders.

I nodded, “Nice to meet you, I’m Daemon.” I even showed her how it was spelled on a piece of paper.

She winked at me and then turned her attention back to the professor.

And for the remainder of class, I silently hoped that some catastrophe would happen and we would have to remain in this class for the rest of my life.

However, I wanted an armored truck to bring that little boy in here and then I would be golden.

Unfortunately, none of that fucking happened.

I sighed low in my throat as we both packed our shit up and then headed out of class. I couldn’t tell you how my chest filled with a warmth it’s never felt before as I tossed my cup in the trash but saw that she held onto hers.


It was time to head to practice and as I walked through the yard, my eyes automatically searched for her.

I was expecting not to see her until I did, and then I felt my entire body come to a stop.

I felt Marcus, Braydon, Finch, and Culpepper stop with me.

What I hadn’t realized was that my feet were already moving in her direction which was away from where we needed to go.

It was Braydon that called out to my back, “Where are you going? We got practice man?”

I called out over my shoulder, “I’ll catch up. Go ahead.”

“Dude. Who the fuck are…” I didn’t let him finish as I started to jog in her direction, not liking that she was walking away from me.

And seeing that, well, I decided to say fuck it, and fucking wing it. “Hey, Aliyah?”

She stopped, turned, and looked around. It wasn’t until her eyes landed on me, and then I felt something akin to a smile form on my face.

That was because on her cheeks, I watched as they turned a light pink, and then I saw why, she moved that fucking coffee cup behind her back, hoping I hadn’t seen it.

She still fucking had it. That was the smallest thing. And that caused a deep sense of satisfaction to curl around my heart.

Then she cleared her throat and asked, “What’s up, Daemon?”

I wanted to ask her to say my name again because holy shit. Hearing my name falling from her lips? Yeah, I wanted to hear my name like that again as I pounded in…

I shook my head at where my thoughts were leading to and said, “Just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a good rest of the day and a good night, and a good day tomorrow, and that I’ll see you on Thursday.”

She raised her brow, “You wanted to stop me to tell me all of that?”

I shrugged, “Yeah.”

She looked baffled, and it was cute as fuck the way she scrunched her nose up, “Why? You don’t know me.”
