Page 13 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Damn it, sweetheart. I want those eyes.

Then I saw her mouth move, but I was unable to hear anything she was saying.

It wasn’t until I watched her hand clench on her pen that my ears and my brain finally clued in that I was acting like a fucking idiot. I moved to the seat beside her.

But not before I placed the second cup of coffee right beside her.

And then and only then did I drop my ass back into the seat I had occupied last Tuesday and then started to get my shit out.

And when she looked up at me from the coffee cup that had her attention, I felt everything in my world align.

Holy fucking shit.

She was the epitome of blonde hair, blue-eyed, and fucking gorgeous.

Jesus fucking Christ.

“Hey, are you okay?” And her voice.

Jesus Christ almighty.

Stick a fork in me because I was done. D.O.N.E.

I just met the one for me.

I knew it.

I felt it.

They say when you meet the one you're meant to be with that you will just know. And fuck me, but I know.

I shook my head as I came to the realization that I was doing nothing more than sitting here and staring at her. She probably deals with that on a day-to-day basis. “Sorry, what did you say?”

“Well, for starters, I asked if you could please move out of my way so I can see the board. Second, I asked if you were okay. And third, I asked what the coffee was for.”

Damn. But she was a spitfire.

And I liked that. I liked that a lot.

I looked into her blue eyes and found myself amazed that I could form coherent thoughts and sentences. “One, I’m not in your way anymore. Sorry about that. Second, yes, I’m okay, thank you for asking. And third, the coffee is for you. I saw you in here last Tuesday with a child. You wouldn’t bring him to class unless you had no one else to watch him, and I give you major props for that.”

It wasn’t until I was done speaking that she nodded, and then pulled up a blank document on her laptop as the professor took the podium.

And then, from the corner of my eye, I watched as her hand shakily reached for the coffee.

And I found myself not liking the shakiness of that hand.

She put it to her mouth, and thankfully I was able to curl my hand around the edge of my own laptop and pray I didn’t break the damn thing when I found myself wanting to be that coffee cup.

It was a few minutes after she sat it back down, and then the professor had turned her back to write something on that board that I heard her soft voice that had a slight rasp to it, “Thank you for the coffee. It’s really good.”

I nodded at her and then lowered my voice right along with her, as I typed what the professor was writing, “I hope so. The girl behind the counter looked at me like I was a dumb fuck when I asked her what women usually order.”

She quirked her brow and asked, “You’ve never ordered coffee for a woman before?”

I shook my head, “Never wanted to until now. Do you like it?”

I watched from the corner of my eye as I saw her bite her bottom lip, and I had the strangest urge to pull that lip out with my teeth and bite it gently.
