Page 12 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I wanted to see if they were the pathway into her soul.

Did she have blue eyes? Green? Hazel? A combination? Were there flecks of green in them? Flecks of gold?

For the rest of the day, I wanted to fucking know.

Sadly, the professor had left before I had shaken myself out of my stupor and realized I needed to get to class.

But now, knowing I would be late to practice, I found myself not caring a fucking bit, I headed to Professor Macklin’s office.

And to tell you that I hadn’t wanted to leave during my other classes to ask her would be a bald-faced lie.

I was quite proud of myself, to tell you the truth, that I had waited.

Before I could open my mouth, as I stepped into her office, she beat me to it, “Mr. Campbell. What can I do for you?”

I nodded, “The girl that had the little boy in here with her during our class, who is she?”

She stopped what she was doing with the papers in front of her, looked up at me, and then crooked her eyebrow, “Why do you want to know?”

I didn’t want to tell her why I wanted to know. Just remembering that shit caused pain to explode in my head and the need to put my fists through walls. However, I knew that if I didn’t tell her, the likelihood of her giving me the information I wanted was slim to nil.

So, I opened my mouth, and told her, but only things that I knew wouldn’t cause me to have a horrible rest of the fucking day, “I want to know because it takes a strong ass woman to be that young and have a kid. Something about her, I can’t explain it.”

“If you weren’t who you are, and if you didn’t have the good sense to come to class like you do and not disrupt my lectures, then I would tell you to get out of my office and ask her yourself. But… her name is Aliyah. And that is all you’re getting out of me.”

I nodded my thanks and then turned to leave.

“Oh, and Mr. Campbell?” I turned my head at the professor's voice and looked at her.

“If you ever use that kind of language in my room again, I will have you removed.”

I saluted her with two fingers and then headed to practice. Thankfully, the coach was also running late, as were about half of the players.

But honestly, I would be lying if I said I gave a fuck.

I would also be lying if I said my eyes didn’t search for her for the rest of the following day.


Getting to class the following Thursday, I felt fucking weird as I carried two cups of coffee into the classroom.

But hell, if she was what I expected her to be, then fuck yeah, she deserved it.

I looked to where I saw her sitting last time and when my eyes landed on her and saw the shirt she had on, I felt my lips move.

What. The. Fuck.

Was that a fucking smile?

Holy shit.

That felt fucking foreign as fuck.

But…come on. Who wouldn’t smile at a shirt that had a smiling fucking dog on it wearing a set of headphones and a fucking red tutu?

It didn’t take long for my brain to register that my feet weren’t moving at all as I had stopped right in front of her.

And I figured that seeing the tall as-hell shadow would have her looking up, but she didn’t.
