Page 11 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Grinning, I carefully tried to put everything away, but with a sleeping boy on me, it was kind of hard.

Thankfully, another student saw the struggle, winked at me, and helped me put everything away.

“Thank you,” I told her.

She winked again and then headed out of the room.

What I didn’t know was that I had captured someone’s attention in one of my classes.

And that attention was going to turn into something that I never thought would ever happen to someone like me.

Chapter 2


I was still sitting there in my seat as everyone filed out of class that morning.

And I wasn’t going to lie, it had taken everything in me, to not laugh when the little boy had butchered up the word accommodating.

And that thought froze me in my seat.

I couldn’t tell you the last time I had laughed.

Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed.

A twitch of my mouth was all anyone ever got.

And thankfully, neither my parents nor Lily ever pushed the subject.

Who wanted to laugh with a childhood like mine before I met William and Melanie.

No one, that’s who.

But… then I thought of how bothered that little boy got if the professor didn’t let him finish his movie and I found my lip twitching. He was something else, that was for sure.

But it wasn’t the little boy that had my full, undivided attention.

No, it was the woman that I had sat beside for the fifty-five-minute lecture.

I usually sat somewhere else, and I normally came to class after everyone, and then always kept my head down so I didn’t make eye contact with the girls that always thought that was a signal or some shit for them to come and talk to me.

It fucking wasn’t.

However, this morning, I couldn’t explain why I had gotten here early.

Nor could I explain the feeling of wanting to sit somewhere else.

But now, well, after smelling her perfume or fucking lotion, I was sure glad that I sat where I had.

It wasn’t that she smelled better than anything I’ve ever smelled before, it wasn’t that I wanted to know if her blonde hair felt as soft as it looked.

No, it had been the gentle smile on her face as she had gazed at the little boy on her lap.

I’ve only ever seen a smile that soft on Melanie’s face, and to say I wasn’t hooked by just that, well then, I would be a fucking liar.

If I wasn’t stunned by her beauty, I would’ve been stunned that not once in that whole time did she try to flirt with me. She didn’t write little notes to me, hell, she didn’t even fucking look at me.

And for the first time, ever since girls started hitting on me in the first fucking grade, I found myself not liking that one fucking bit. I wanted her to look at me. I wanted to see the color of her eyes.
