Page 10 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I smiled and nodded, and then I walked into my first class of the day with Crew in my arms and then headed for my usual seat on the left side of the room.

People started filing in around us, and then Crew whispered, “I need to speak like this, right, Mommy?”

I whispered to him right back, “Yes, booger butt, that’s perfect. Do you remember our signals?”

He nodded, “I tap your hand twice if I get hungry, and then once for something to drink.”

I nodded and then smiled, “You are such a very smart boy.”

He smiled and gave me those dimples.

I was a sucker for those dimples.

And if he ever figured out the power that he held over me with them, I was going to be done for.

Shaking my head, I pulled out my laptop and his tablet. Thankfully, the tables we had were plenty big.

I felt eyes on me as more students started to fill in, but I didn’t pay them any mind.

I also didn’t pay attention to the person that had just sat down beside me.

If they didn’t like that Crew was here, then they could move.

Besides, I wasn’t here in classes to make friends. No, I was here to learn.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out his headphones, then I pressed a kiss atop his soft curls, then placed the headphones over his ears, plugged them into his tablet, and then started the movie for him.

I looked up as the professor stepped to her podium and said, “As you can see, class, we have a new student. Let’s watch our language and be respectful, all right?”

Once she got the answer she wanted, she started with the lecture about kinematics.

We were thirty minutes into the lecture when Crew tapped my hand twice. Without missing a beat, I pulled out the baggy of carrot sticks and handed them to him.

And the professor, bless her heart, didn’t miss a beat either as she went on to explain an example of how this topic would be applied to everyday life.

Thankfully, after she explained that, I was grateful that she took into account how people are different and how brains work differently because all around me a chorused murmur of ah’s filled the room.

Once the class was over, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to Crew’s cheek.

He pulled the headphones off and then said in a whisper, “Is it over?”

I nodded, “Yes, booger butt, you did so good.”

He frowned, “But it was getting to the good part.”

I chuckled at him, “Well, as long as my next professor is as accommodating as this one, then you can keep on watching it.”

He clapped, then furrowed his brow, “Mommy, what does accomadabbing mean?”

I chuckled as I started packing up our stuff, “Accommodating means willing to please someone. You know how you like a certain brand of chocolate milk, and we have to order it from a certain place when we make our order for the week?”

At his nod, “That’s what accommodating means. I know you like that brand so instead of spending money at one place for everything. We spend money at two places so you can have the brand of milk you want.”

“Ahhh. Gotcha. Well, the professor better be accomadabbing so I can watch my movie,” he said so sternly that I couldn’t help but laugh as I carried him and our stuff to our next class.

And thankfully, the professor was very understanding, and that received him a high five from Crew that had the older man laughing as we walked out of his office.

Then, as we finished my last class of the day, I smiled at my boy that had fallen asleep as the credits rolled on his tablet.
